Inside Out (FINALE)

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This was it. Finally... I'd be able to return to reality. I'd be able to go home.

My emotions surrounded me, both literally and metaphorically. I sighed, kneeling onto the floor of HQ. My arms trembled.

"Ed..." Joy reached out a hand.

"Time to go," Sadness spoke up.

I whimpered. It was finally time to go... but I almost didn't want to. There was so much of my mind left to see, so much left to learn...

But then again... I couldn't keep my family waiting any longer.

I gazed behind me, eyeing the Islands of Personality. My gaze returned to the floor.

"I'll miss you guys..." I bit my lip. "Should... should I really leave like this?"

"Mom and Dad will be so worried, Eddy!" Fear gasped. "The sooner you go, the better!"

I stared at her. So did the others.

"Not that I hate you being here!" she stammered. "It's just that-"

"Shut ya trap, beanpole," Anger snapped. She turned to me. "But she does have a point, Ed. Don't wanna make Mom and Dad upset."

I nodded, standing up. Joy gave me a beam, her eyes watering. Disgust stayed back, covering her face. I reached out.

"Thanks for helping me," I told her.

Disgust shrugged, a small smile on her face. "Whatever."

I gazed at Sadness, who nodded at me. I leaned down, wrapping my arms around her small form. She gasped in surprise, slowly returning the embrace.

Joy gasped. She raced over, joining in on the hug. Fear nervously crept over, wrapping her skinny arms around the three of us. Anger grumbled, slowly making her way over.

Disgust bit her lip. She finally gave in, joining the rest of us. We sat there for a moment, just taking in each other's presence.

"I'm sorry about Love," Disgust told me.

"It's okay," I grinned at her. "What's done is done... I'll come out even stronger."

She gave me another smile. I squeezed her hand, then turned back to the others.

"You guys taught me so much, I..." I trailed off. "I would've never known... I would've never known about any of this, my mind, my emotions... Love..." I looked away.

"You taught us a lot too," Sadness replied. "But don't forget... we'll always be right here..."

She tapped my forehead. I giggled.

"Thank you," I dipped my head.

I sat down, my emotions surrounding me.

"You know what to do, right?" Fear asked.

I nodded. "That door's been opened... I just close my eyes, and drift off back into reality..."

It was just like how I'd come here in the first place. I'd fall into the darkness, and wake up right back in the real world.

I closed my eyes, my emotions eyeing me, anxiously. I leaned back, bracing against the wall.

This is it...

Slowly, everything got slower, darker, more dreamy...

I was being pulled. A force was dragging me down, taking me away. I was going fast, slow, then fast...

Lights flashed. I covered my head, letting out a cry as everything went white.


Beep, beep, beep...

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