Love You Forever

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I couldn't believe it. All this time... my imaginary friend was trying to take over my mind?

I gazed over my hands. I remembered the way she'd treated me, what she'd wanted to do to my mind... the way she'd treated my emotions...

"She's been waiting from the start," I gasped. "She took this opportunity to enact this crazy plan, didn't she?"

"It's because of her twisted love," Disgust looked down. "She loves you, but she wants you all to herself."

"Well, if she's my imaginary friend, then I'll have to be the one to deal with her," I told Disgust.

I stood up, heading towards the bedroom door.

"Wait," Disgust made a face. "She's more powerful than you think, you won't be able to-"

"She wants me to go back to the real world, right?" I asked. "That way, I won't be able to deal with her; she'll take over. But while I'm here... she's not gonna take over my mind. No way."

Disgust hesitated.

"How are you going to stop her?" she asked.

"... I'll talk to her for the first time in 9 years," I smiled. "We have some catching up to do."

"Are you sure?" Disgust held out a hand. "None of us want you to get hurt."

"I don't want you to get hurt either," I told her. "That's why I'm gonna put a stop to this."

I stormed out of the room, fists shaking. Love was leaning against the wall, near the control panel. She was waiting for me.

"Ready to return home?" she asked, almost... tauntingly. Sickeningly sweet.

Disgust appeared behind me. "Ed..."

I walked down the stairs, towards Love. I avoided eye contact with my emotions.

"Get away from her, Ed!" Fear cried out.

Love glowered at her, causing her to shrink back.

Anger bared her teeth. "Don't you dare hurt Ed, you piece of-!"

"I remember you," I spoke up.

Love's brow raised. The other emotions went silent.

"Remember me?" she asked.

I nodded. "You were my best friend, Love. My only friend."

The silence could've been cut with a knife. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Disgust grab onto the stair rails. The other emotions glanced at each other.

"Oh, of course," Love danced around me, waving her staff. "You and I were the best of friends! We did everything together!"

"That's right," I grinned, grabbing her free hand. "I always had trouble talking to other kids... but you made me feel so much better."

Love returned my grin. "That's why I'm here, Eddy! Oh, how I love you so much!"

My heart stung. "And I love you too."

"That's right!" Joy perked up. "You helped me keep Ed happy!"

Love glowered at her. "No one asked for your opinion!"

"Love..." Disgust held up a hand. She was shaking even more.

I couldn't blame her. I forced myself to breathe again.

"She's right, you know," I told her. "You really made me happy. Whenever I was little, you'd always be there, right by my side."

"And I'm still here," Love spread her arms. "I'll always be right by your side, Eddy!"

Her smile was wide, eyes practically glowing.

"Don't listen to her crap!" Anger shouted. "Look what she's done to us!"

"Is this really how you want to be happy, Ed?" Joy cried.

"This is so much pressure..." Sadness mumbled.

"SILENCE!" Love roared. She turned to me. "Don't worry, Eddy. They won't annoy us for much longer."

Disgust covered her mouth. She looked like she was about to rip the rail right off the stairs.

"Love..." I looked away. "You know I love you... but..."

Her grin was killing me. She was leaning on that deadly, glimmering staff... but the sincerity in her eyes...

I dug my nails into my palm. My eyes made contact with hers.

"I can't condone what you're doing here right now," I told her. "You're hurting my emotions."

Love waved it off. "It's for a good cause, Eddy! With me in control, you'll never feel lonely again!"

"That was nine years ago, Love!" I exclaimed. "I've moved past that now. I've made real friends, I've gotten closer with my family... I'm not that little kid anymore. I've grown up."

"I know what's best for you, Ed," Love told me. "I've been watching over you all this time. You need me."

"No, not anymore," I replied. "Don't get me wrong... I loved spending time with you when I was a kid. But at the end of the day, you're just my imaginary friend. You're not real. I can't spend all my time with someone who doesn't even exist."

Love stepped back, hand on heart. I stood my ground, my other emotions in shock. Then Love began to tremble.

"You..." she bared her teeth. "This is YOUR fault!"

She gazed at the other emotions. She stormed towards them, staff aimed.

"Noooo!" Fear squealed.

"Back off!" Anger snapped.

Sadness and Joy clung onto each other.

"She's right, Love!" Disgust spoke up.

Love turned her attention to the green emotion. She stood up tall.

"Everything Ed said is right," Disgust continued. "You've served your time. We loved you... but we need to move on."

"So it was your fault," Love growled, turning on Disgust. "I thought you were on our side, Disgust!"

"I'm on Edaliyah's side," Disgust retorted.

"Look what you've done!" Love roared. "You've MANIPULATED her!"

"No," I spoke up, standing in front of her. "This is my decision, Love. I want you out of here."

Love shook her head. "No... that's wrong... you said you love me!"

"I'm grateful for what you've done," I explained, "but the past is in the past. This conversation is over. I don't need you anymore."

Love stepped backwards, her arms shaking.

"Ed, be careful!" Fear cried out.

Disgust walked over to me. I stood in front of her, eyeing my old imaginary friend.

"You're wrong," Love spat. "I know you better than anything else! I'll always be your best friend!"

She raced towards the emotions tied up.

"Wait!" I cried out.

"I'll show you," Love's grin spread across her face. "I'll show you the truth!"

And with that, she pushed my emotions into the memory dump.

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