4th January 2022

178 13 2



Harry was pacing up and down the warehouse, his hands in his curls pulling them harshly as he scolded the three men in-front of him.

It was the next day, and Louis had slept basically all yesterday but spoke to none of the boys. Now he was home with a few of Harry's bodyguards.

"Haz, we didn't mean to let this happen." Zayn tried and just got a cold glare from Harry.

Harry just sighed.

"I'm sorry boys. I'm not really mad at you. I'm mad at myself. I thought the minute I came back Louis would run into my arms and we would be Harryandlouis again." He slumped against the wall a hand on his forehead.

All the boys didn't know what to say. Harry never showed his emotions unless it was angry or concern mostly for his men and Louis. Sadness never occurred.

So, as expected, they didn't know what to do.

"It's just gonna take a bit of time Harry." Niall finally spoke up.

"Does Louis hate me?"

"What!" Liam exclaimed.

"Harry, Louis loves you so much. That's why he's acting like this. All you need to do it show him you love him too. He probably feels very unloved at the moment." Liam explained and Harry just nodded, grabbing his coat and leaving the warehouse.


"Damien?" Louis appeared at the kitchen door to where his favourite bodyguard was. Damien was Harry's number one body guard before he left. He trusted him the most so him and Louis got very Close.

"Hello trouble." Damien smirked.

Louis chuckled and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.

"When are the boys back?" He asked, sitting on a counter stool.

"I'm not too sure, it's just stock intake from the warehouse today. They should be back in a few hours ." Damien answered and Louis nodded. He always missed them when they left.

"Hey we can do something though!" Damien piped up making Louis smile.

"Sure. OH! Can we bake cookie!" Louis said excitedly. It was one of his favourite things to do.

"Okay kid." Damien laughed and started getting a bowl out while Louis looked for ingredients.


"Damien, no the chocolate chips go in after the flour silly!"

"Yeah Damien." Harry mocked, Louis and Damien turned around shocked and Louis immediately blushed and Damien didn't drop his smirk.

"Making cookies?" Harry walked closer and looked over Louis's shoulder, the small boy could feel his lover breathe in his ear. Shivers ran down his spine.

"Uh huh." Louis mumbled.

"Can I add the chips now?" Damien asked, dancing with the packet in his hands.

Louis nodded and smiled.

"I think I pay you to a be a bodyguard not a baker Damien." Harry said, an eyebrow raised.

"Don't be mean to Dami." Louis pouted and both men looked at Louis in shock.

"I'm sorry Dami?" Harry asked, jealously was very prominent in his voice.

"Yes it's a nickname." Louis answered back, in a "duh" tone, the sassy little creature.

"Like Hazzy?" He rolled his eye and Hazzys breathe hitched. He hadn't heard that name in so long and he absolutely loved, that Louis called him that. It was founded on their first date and Harry thought that moment was the moment he fell in love with the boy.

"Hello?" Louis laughed and swiped some batter onto Harry's nose which made him break his trance.

"Did you just?" Harry said surprised and smirked.

"Wha-" Harry swiped some flour onto Louis' cheek.

"Hey!" Louis giggled and grabbed some more and through it into Harry's hair.

Harry was gonna have fun now. Louis put it in his hair. His precious curls.

Damien was long gone and neither boyfriend realised as the cake wars begun.

Harry threw batter on Louis's top as Louis threw batter on Harry's cheeks and made his eyebrows all white with flours.

Louis's nose was covered in butter and each lover was laughing as the batter was threw and chocolate chips were eaten.

"AHHH LOUIS NOT THE HAIR!" Harry screened trying to cover his chocolate curls with his arms, which resulted in batter being spread on his forearms and Harry chasing Louis sound the kitchen wiping his arms over the boys hair.

"Harry noooo!!" Louis tried to run away and with that Harry wrapped his toned, tattooed arms around the blue eyed boys waist, smudging the batter everywhere.

Immediately they both stop. They realise the position they are in and neither says word. Harry doesn't unravel from Louis and Louis doesn't try to escape.

"Um Harry?" Louis mumbled.

"Shit, sorry Lou." Harry quickly let's go of Louis and backs away awkwardly.


"I missed this." Harry smiled shyly.

"Me too." Louis smiles, either boy on each side of the kitchen counter.

"Well my cookies are ruined!" Louis chuckles, looking at the empty bowl.

"We could make some more. I promise not to throw this in your hair." Harry sneakily says, leaning over Louis to see the mess they made.

"Okay!" Louis clapped his hands, it like he forgot His Harry wasn't away for the last two years. It just felt like they are home again.

Obviously both boys need to have a talk they are both so dearly dreading.

"So first Haz..."


"TA DAH!" Louis smiled widely as he brought the  freshly baked cookies out so the other boys could see them.

The cakes were regular Chocolate chip but still perfect.

The boys all smiles and gushed over the cookies. They are so happy to see Louis was so happy.

Even though Louis didn't eat a cookie. The boys were still so proud of him. It felt like before Harry left once again.

"Film guys?" Liam suggested and all the boys nodded making their way to the screening room. Usually Louis and Harry would share a seat. All cuddled up in one seat, with a blanket thrown over them.

Today they sat in separate seats. Next to each other but separate blankets.

They decided on the film, Grease, because they all knew it was Louis favourite. And If Harry sang along to Danny's lines and if Louis sang alone to Sandy's lines no one had to know.

No one also had to know that Between the seats and blankets, Harry and Louis were holding hands.


Sorry this was a bit rushed, I wanted a chapter out!

I'm gonna be kinda busy the next few days so I'm hopefully gonna get a bunch of chapters written and post them each day.

I love you all

Hope you are enjoying !

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