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When shadowstorm woke up she was the only one up besides some cats that were training. They were actual wariors. She jumped out the tree she fell asleep in. Cats staired at her, she felt uneasy and went to check on her friend ninjatail. He was still asleep, she smiled and walked where she wasnt supposed to be.. The boarder seperating Riverclan and Thunderclan.

She went to a specific area where she could sit and think. "I thought i told you to come back after the war." The same cat who's name is unknown said. "I... was just out for a walk. Clear my mind a little." She said "Its the Tomb you were with isnt it." The cat asked.

She was quiet, "Its okay to be scared. However you should go back to your clan. Like I said, come back after the war if you feel. I sence something great within you and you dont need to be in the clan your currently in.. its not good for you, or your friend." The cat said

Shadowstorm got up and turned facint the voice, "I will, when we come back we can officially meet each other." She said the cat seen the mark and paused for a minute. "Y- uh yes we can, hurry and leave though." The cat said as shadowstorm nodded and left.

When she got back to the clan cats were still looking at her, so she staired at the ground. Ninjatail soon tackled her, "Where have you been?!" he said concerned and freindly. "I um... went out for a walk to get some air?" she said, "I was concerneddd" ninjatail said letting shadow get up. She turned to face him and he gahsped catching her off gaurd, "woah- that mark, its beautiful- i mean you already were beautifull but like-" he stopped realizing what he said and they just staired at each other.

"Gross." Diamondnight said walking up gagging in discust. "oh shut it dont even say another word. I will fight you again and win Brother." Shadowstorm said "We all know how that ended." Ninjatail said laughing. Diamondnight scoffed, "I hope you both die in this war." he said walking off hissing in annoyance. Soon Shadowstar acembled the cats together heading out. Shadowstar in front the warriors following behing him, shadowstorm behind them all worried, so very worried. Ninjatail fell behind and brushed up against shadowstorm, hopefully reasuring her, he smiled. She smiled back.

She sighed as they got to the battlegrounds. "Harestar. Are you sure that you want to do this. Let us have the land and no blood has to be spilled." Shadowstar said Harestar laughed. "As if i would just let you have the land. We need it just as much as you all. Blood will be spilt even if we willingly gave you all the land. I will not stand by this." He said. Soon after they all started to attack. Shadowstorm looked around thinking outloud frozen in place, "What will come to this..."

Something in her mind snapped changing her prespective real fast when she glanced over seeing Ninjatail on the gound trying to get a car off of him. She ran to them tackling the cat to the ground into some rushing water over a small ledge. The cat was unable to get out in time before being overswept be the waters. She herself almost fell in but she climbed up out of way from falling into the water helping Ninjatail up as well. They both got away from the ledge looking realizing that they were quickly loosing the battle. Soon shadowstorm saw her father fighting... and loosing.. there best warriors dieing. Scared that it would soon be her father she ran as fast she could twards them... but she was too late. She froze watching her father die. Tears started to form in her eyes as she got tackled snapping her out of it. "GET OFF!" She yelled kicking the cat off. The cat landed perfectly and gracefully.

"Oh kitty got a kick." the tomb said. She jumped up hissing. "My name is not kitty." she said "ah well im Dustblaze. And you are very fistey, nice." he said. ninjatail ran over followed by anothe cat by the name of sagebreeze. "Well Sagebreeze, we have two cats to handle. hmmm.... Think they like each other?" Dustblaze said with a smirk. "You know, I think they do." Sagebreeze said. Dimondnight ran by looking at them and running off. Shadowstorm scoffed, "Show them no mercy" she said ninjatail nodding in responce. The two cats laughed as they attacked one another. Shadowstorm dodged Dustblaze, running up a tree jumping down. "What the-" Dustblaze said looking up as shadowstorm landed on his back bitting down on his neck.

The Story Of ShadowstormWhere stories live. Discover now