Its Time

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Everyone got up early that morning and was either traning or helping elders. After hours passed the fresh kill was brought to the fresh kill pile and then there was a clan meeting.

"All the aprentaces stand and get im line side to side." The leader said.

The aprentaces got up and lined up. Shadowstar got down from the rock and started. "His name was Netherpaw he shall now be Netherclaw." Shadowstar continued "His name was Nightpaw his new name shall be Dimondnight" Shadowstar continued and dimondnight was slightly mad because he new his sister would be getting his fathers old warrior name.

"Her name was dragonpaw she shall be Dragonstripe. His name was Ningapaw his new name shall be Ningatail. His name was snakepaw his new name shall be Snakecat. Her name was lillypaw her new name shall be Shadowstorm"

Shadowstar jumped back on the rock "All please accept the new warriors" they were accepted and they sat down. "We need to keep track on food and get enough supplies and herbs and stuff because in exactly Two Days we will be haveing war." Every cat gasped except for certain ones that were kinda expecting it but they were still a little stunned.

One cat spoke up, "We new it would be soon but this soon?! Thats way closer than any of us expected!" The entire clan replied with yeah. "No questions now. You can come ask me in private if you have any conserns or questions." Shadowstar jumped down and some cats emediently flocked to him.

Shadowstorm went and sat in a corner of shade thinking. "Yo Shadowstorm!" Ningatail said snapping her out her thoughts. "Yeah?" She said "What you doing lets go kill prey or not or just walk around." Ningatail said smiling. Shadowstorm got up. "Okay lets go."

-timeskip to that afternoon almost dark out-

They were walking back with prey they cought when a badger jumped infrount of them. They jumped back dropping the prey. "Dang Badger" Shadowstorm said while she jumped back. The badger went to attack and they both dodged. It missed them both and shadowstorm jumped on the badger and killed it.

She picked up her fresh kill. "That works" Ningatail said as he picked up the fresh kill he had. They went to the clan and something felt strange for both of them.

Shadowstar walked up to them and told ningatail to go take his fresh kill to the fresh kill pile. " Just so you know dont make me regret giving you that name cat" is all he said then he walked off.

Shadowstorm went and put the fresh kill in the fresh kill pile. And she was worried something was deffinately off. "What was that all about?" Ningatail asked. "Something about not letting him regret giving me this name or something like that.." Shadowstorm replied thinking.

"Well maybe its because the war is in like two days." Ningatail said trying to be reasuring. "Yeah... But arnt you like even a little scared of what might happen?" Shadowstorm said "Yeah but i doubt anything will happen to me and you." The tomb said smiling

"Yeah... Lets uh go get some sleep so we have energy for the morning." Shadowstorm said as they went to the aprentaces den. Shadowstorm was being bothered about what her father said. His words kept repeating in her mind.

Shortly she fell asleep. Ningatail was still awake thinking to himself when he hurd shuffling. He got up to look around. He saw shadowstorm being the one shuffling. "Is she haveing a nightmare?" He thought to himself.

He went over to her and put a paw on her as she jumped up gasping. "Shh..." Ningatail said watching some tears fall down her face. She hugged him catching him off gaurd. He hugged back listening to her start to cry soft sobs.

"Its okay it was only a nightmare. Everything will be alright." Ningatail said looking at her wipeing away some of her tears. Shadowstorm sniffled, "y-yeah i guess your right.... Heh.. Sorry about that." She said looking at the ground.

"No no its okay dont be sorry." Ningatail  comforted her a little and then went to walk off. "Now lets get some sleep. We need the energy for in the morning." Ningatail said smiling.

"A-actualy can you stay here for the rest of the night? P-please?" Shadowstorm said surprising ningatail a little. "Y-yeah of course." Ningatail said. They both layed back down next to eachother and went to sleep. This time with no interuptions.

(A/n And that will be all for today my shadows. I am sorry for not updating sooner ive just been really really busy lately and havent had time to update. But i will start to update as much as i can. Also thak you for all the reads on this story. Last time i checked it was at like uh... 38 reads. Thats a lot for me i didnt really expect to have that many at all on this story. But untill next time shadows byeee.

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