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Key words:

Y/n = your name
H/c = hair color
H/l = hair length
E/c = eye color
S/c = skin color
F/c = favorite color

Quirks: telekinesis, teleportation, astral projection, and empathic healing. (Similar to Raven powers but there are few things that (Y/n) can do more)

Likes: Kurasu, (fruit), dark poems/poetry, dark themes, goth related, shadows, birds (especially crow), (insert other interest)

Dislikes: loud sounds, bright colors, (insert your dislikes)

Bold with underline = the Agamemnon is telepathy communicating

Normal = (y/n) is telepathy communicating

Italic= Kurasu is telepathy communicating

Honestly I have no Idea what to name Kurasu or Atlas and it was supposedly a Geek or Latin name, but the I suck at naming 


That's all for now, still working  on proof reading before publishing the prologue.

Baibai for now!

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