Peter x Mantis

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A/n: I'm sorry this is short.

"So... You're... dating."

"Yeah! Her name's Mantis! And. She is a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy!"

"So... You're dating an alien..."

"Seriously?! That's what you focus on? Not that fact that she is a member of a superhero team from goddamn space?!"

"Clearly you have never had someone tell you they're dating an alien."


"So... You're Mantis..."

"Hi! *Touches Toomes' face* You're so ... worried. And you seem cold but inside love so much. You keep up a mask of hatred and anger but you're so worried and scared..."

"O-kay. *Moves her hand of his face* So. Let me talk to Pete for a sec, okay? Brilliant!"

"Dad? You okay?"

"Fine. I'm fine... You... can go to the Tower. Just... Be careful, okay? I... I... I worry about you and I see the news and I get scared for you. So... Please be careful."

"Okay, Dad. *hugs*"

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