My twisted revenge

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I grew up living a luxurious life, not because my mom was rich or had a fancy job but because my mom dated and married wealthy men who bought her anything she wanted from houses ,cars , jewellery everything! she never worked a day in her life .

My mom was very beautiful at 39 she looked like she was 25. Her Asian genes gave her a youthful look with long black hair that reached way past her ass. She has the body of a model with all the curves in the right places, she never did a boob job or plastic surgery. She is naturally a beauty and men want her on their arm like a trophy.

She had me when she was 16 , her first boyfriend got her pregnant and dumped her. Now at 23 my mom and l look like sisters rather than mother and daughter. I look a lot like her, l'm beautiful, l inherited her genes but had my father's green eyes and red hair.

I was okay with my mom dating and marrying any man she wanted because it paid the bills, got me in fancy schools and got me everything l wanted. She married six times and now she was going to be married for the seventh time but l was going to jeopardize it because she slept with my boyfriend behind my back .

I had been dating Tanner for two years, he was 24, a year older than me , he came from a very wealthy family and was the only heir and my mom got jealous so he fucked my boyfriend.

I found them in my boyfriend's apartment , l was heartbroken, how could my own mother do that to me ? and my so called boyfriend had the nerve to tell me that my mom was way better than me in bed.

How was l supposed to be experienced in bed when he was my first everything, if he wanted an experienced lover like my mom he should have taught me himself. Ofcourse my mom had loads of experience, she is bold and confident and outgoing while l was more on the shy side.

Besides everything she did , she was a great mother who loved me and never scolded me , she stood up for me when her boyfriends wanted to hit or abuse me , it's mostly the reason she broke up or divorced some of her husbands because they didn't want me but l wasn't going to look at all the good things she did for me .

I wanted revenge and l was getting it . I was standing at the tall apartment building owned by her current fiance Leonardo DiCaprio, an Italian billionaire who owned many businesses around the world .

I got into the building and went straight to the receptionist who was in the fancy lobby.

Hello good afternoon, l'm here to see Mr DiCaprio, l'm his fiance's daughter Eleanor, l said with a smile. She smiled back at me .

Ok let me inform him first and sent you up , she said as she dialed the phone and talked to him .

Ok he will see you , go to that elevator written private and go to the top floor she said with a smile. I thanked her and got into the elevator and waited as it rode up with boring elevator music playing in the background .

I was very nervous, this was going to be the second time l was going to see Leonardo, the first time was when my mom invited me to a fancy restaurant to meet him.

The elevator doors opened and l walked out and knock on the fancy double doors on the small hallway, it looked like he owned the whole floor, didn't expect any less.

The doors opened and it was him with a bright smile on his face . Eleanor, what a surprise come on in, he said gesturing me in . His thick Italian accent noticeable and it made me shiver.

Leonardo is devastatingly handsome, he is 35 and lookes like a greek god with his towering height of 6,6 feet and a muscular build that looked delicious in a suit. He was all man , intimidating and his aura ooz sheer power and dominance, a true alpha male. No wonder he was dating my mom , they looked like the perfect couple.

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