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The dread of going to school returns, causing me to audibly groan when I roll out of bed. Today would be just an average school day, where I go there for eight plus hours and learn stuff I will never use outside of school; however, today felt off.

Something weird about it, I can't explain. Today just didn't feel like a normal Tuesday. Whatever it may be, I doubt it will be something huge. I head into the bathroom and do my daily routine of splashing water across my face, and clean myself up.

I spend about ten minutes today in the shower, mainly because I have been sleep deprived the past few days with school work that I have put off, and other things. When I do get it, I am sluggish when it comes to putting on my clothes. Eventually I do put my clothes on and head downstairs to fix me a quick breakfast, consisting of water, a ham and cheese sandwich, and an apple. Unlike the situation with my clothes, I am quick to finish my breakfast, clean the plate, and set it aside for when I get home. I head upstairs, brush my teeth, and head back into my room.

When I walk into my room, I search for my bag. I find it right next to my nightstand, where my phone lays silently. I grab it and slide it into my right jean pocket, sling my backpack over my shoulder, turn off the lights in my room, and head downstairs. Once down there, I turn off all the lights and exit the house, locking the door before I begin my way to school.

Before I can get anywhere, Sayori pops out from out-of-nowhere and scares me. "A-Ah!" I fidget, Sayori giggles. "D-Don't scare me like that." I pout. Sayori wipes a tear.

"Ohhh my stomach hurts." She says, struggling to hold in laughs. I roll my eyes,

"Whatever," and head to school. In the distance, I hear Sayori yell

"Wait!" and a pair of footsteps charge in my direction. I halt, and wait for her. Eventually, she runs to my side, panting.

"You're out of breath from that much running? That wasn't even that much distance!" I roll my eyes. Sayori wheezes, insinuating she is indeed out of breath. "Come on, we're gonna be late." I grab her arm and drag her to school.

We arrive just in time. Unfortunately, we don't have enough time to chit-chat since the second we arrived, the bell went off. We waved each other goodbye and went to our classes to begin another dreadful but surprising day.

I head into the first period, the worst class in the world. Science. However, we do have a laid back teacher. I walk in, and take my seat next to the window, and begin my daily routine of staring out into the wild, admiring the beauty of the trees. Remember when I said how today felt off? Well, that point still stands. I took a glance at the teacher, and I noticed he was very fidgety, and was pacing around the room a lot. The other students caught onto this, and we all glanced at each other. The teacher suddenly calls out to us, telling us he will be back, and rushes out of the classroom. When the door closes, a group of students who I happen to eavesdrop on, begin gossiping..

"Why do you think he's acting like this?" One says.

"You think it could be sports?" One asks.

"Nah, sport season ended a while ago." Another answers.

"Any guesses?" One asks, causing the others to go quiet. It isn't long before one of them gives an answer.

"Do you think it could be that thing that's been on the news?" We all stare.

"You mean that thing that's been killing a ton of people?" A student across the room calls out, a student nods.

"Yeah, I heard it's killing groups of people daily." The room goes quiet, I break the silence.

"Any guesses on what that thing could be?" One of the girls in that group of students speaks up.

"I think it's a murderer." A student near her snorts.

We Love You (MC x Dokis) #4Where stories live. Discover now