Helping Her Stay

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I wake up to Yuri laying on top of me, literally. Her hair flowing to both sides of the bed. I rub her back, giving her a light nudge to wake her up. She leans up, her eyes fluttering open. She looks down at me and smiles, giving me a good view of how cute she is.

I place my hands on her exposed waist, she bites her bottom lip before leaning down to snuggle into my shirt. I run my hands over her exposed back as we resume snuggling. Eventually, I get up to go head downstairs. Yuri frowns, but I tell her I want to eat breakfast. She pulls the covers over her body as I head downstairs. When I head downstairs, I-


A pair of arms wrap around my waist, I turn to see Monika tightly hugging me. I return the embrace, hugging you tightly to enjoy the moment. She starts crying into my shirt, and I can't blame her. What she experienced was scary, infact what we experienced was scary. I still don't know what happened, and plan to look into it later today.

I rub Monika's back as she continues crying, soaking my shirt. I take her to a nearby couch and sit her down. We both sit down, and she immediately snuggles up with me as she keeps crying. "I-I was s-s-scared.." She tries to speak but keeps hyperventilating.

(A/N: Before people start killing me about the fact that they waited until the next day to have this conversation and cry sesh, it did not escape me. HOWEVER!! This was not my portion of the work. We are still in the area given to me by the author in the Description. This is just the way he wrote it, so thats the way I left it. The only things I've been changing are grammar and spelling errors. Thnaks for understanding -Rydernort)

She tightens her grip on me, and gets in my lip. She leans into my neck, and cries there. Her tears hit my skin.

I attempt to calm her down. "Shh, it's alright. Everything is over, I'm here with you." It takes her a bit to stop crying but eventually she does. I hear her sniffle as she leans back to stare into my eyes. Her beautiful green eyes..I could get lost in those for days..Those emerald-like eyes..

I lean closer to her face and rub my nose against hers, we do this for a few seconds before laughing. Suddenly, a pair of hands cover my eyes. They are small hands, so I can only assume it's Natsuki.

Monika gets off of me so I can hug Natsuki, and without hesitation I wrap her up in a bear hug.

I pick Natsuki up, and hug her. She wraps her legs around me and sobs into my shoulder. Her grip around my neck tightens, not to the point where she's choking me but close. I'm put off by her behavior. I'm not used to Natsuki being upset, actually I'm only used to her being mad at me for existing or something.

Monika then hugs Natsuki from behind, also trying to comfort her. Soon enough, she's wiping her tears. She smiles at me, showing off her little fangs that she keeps hidden. We all regain our composure and begin discussing the recent events.

A thought pops into my head. "Monika, what time is it?" She shows me her phone:


I quickly search for the TV remote, and find it sitting alone on the couch. I grab it and turn on the TV, flipping through channels. I find the news channel, and patiently wait for any sort of news regarding what happened.

I patiently wait for a few minutes for the news. It comes on at a regular time, and speaks on recent events.

"Recently, there was a case of this new disease reported at a local high school. Reinforcements were called to help clear up the situation, and get this virus handled. From what I was told by the principle of said school, the reinforcements were not to use their weapons for violence, only for intimidation. According to several inside sources who want to remain anonymous, they were 'beating the kids with batons'. The police have looked into this investigation, but regarding the current situation school's are to remain closed. All school will begin online starting next week."

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