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Chapter 23// Blue

The next time I open my eyes, I'm lying in a hospital bed. I try to move but wince at the sharp pain in my lower stomach. What's going on?!

"Don't move too much, sweetheart, you've just come out of surgery." I turn my head at the sound of my mother's voice. My brain is in a haze and I struggle to comprehend what is going on.

I've just come out of surgery. What does she mean I've just come out of surgery and why is she crying?

"Mum?" I croak. She sniffles and wipes the tears from her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Blue." She whispers, but I only become more confused. "We tried to save him, but the boat was completely engulfed in flames. The police went through what was left. They tried to retrieve a body, but nothing could be saved. They only found this." She holds up the necklace that I had gave Apollo.

"What?" My voice cracks and my eyes brim with tears. "Mum, what are you saying?" I sit up, ignoring the pain in my stomach because it doesn't hurt as much as the dull ache growing in my chest.

"We think Apollo died on the boat." A sob leaves my mouth, and I drop my face into my hands. I've just lost the one person who truly made me happy, to someone who was a fucking psychopath!

Trying to rub at the aching pain in my chest, I sit up on the bed and try my hardest to hold back my tears, but it's near enough impossible.

"They have to search again, please mum." I plead desperately, grabbing hold of her hands. "Please."

"Sweetheart, there's nothing left of the boat. They've checked everything. I'm really sorry." She wraps me up in her arms and for the next twenty minutes, lets me cry into her chest.

"I'm sorry. I was never there for you."

My mum breaks the silence and I pull away, staring at her with furrowed eyebrows.


"Before everything happened, Apollo told me what Cameron had been doing to you." She grabs a tissue and wipes the tears that escape through her eyes. "Don't be angry. I overheard him talking to his sister, but I had an incline throughout the holiday. I'm so angry at myself for not noticing sooner. Apollo knew the risks of telling me, but he knew what was right for you. I could tell how much he loved you." Loved.

I pick at my nails and look down at the floor.

This doesn't feel real. Less than twenty-four hours ago, I was planning a surprise for him. I wanted to tell him how much he meant to me, and how he deserved a world, full of love and happiness. I wanted to show him I'd give him all of that. I'd move with him and Arabella because he was my happiness. He was mine forever.

My body freezes.

His sister.

A fresh set of tears brim when I think about Arabella. She has no one now. Her mum is no longer alive, her dad has neglected her, and now her brother is dead.

"Is he alive?" I question with resentment in my voice. My jaw clenches tight when my mum nods her head.

After everything Cameron has done, why does he get to live his life freely while he ruins other people? Why does he always get away with his appalling behaviour?

"Harrison knows. He wants you to press charges." I'm shocked at the fact that Harrison has turned against his son. However, it shows how good of a man he is and I feel so stupid for holding back on telling my parents because I was too worried they would hate me for it. Maybe if I had said something sooner, Apollo would still be alive. We'd be happy together, I'd be wrapped up in his arms with a smile on my face.

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