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There is some solace to be found in the dark. Oftentimes, the greatest comfort one can receive is when he is truly alone. And what better place to relish in solitude that the utter abyss of the dark. I wasn't certain where I was, but it was peaceful. Silent. Like the entire world stopped to catch its breath for a second. It was the first time in a long time I felt such reprieve. But that peace was not to last forever. Alas, peace is but a fleeting notion that goes away as soon as it pleases her, only to bring war to your doorstep. The loud cries and cheers of vigorous men soon broke into my fortress of solitude just as I had discovered it. Where had it been all this while?

"Get up, Jayden. The fight cannot end so quickly!" a voice beckoned over my head. An all too familiar voice. It was Ara, Master Krul's favourite and the best of the bunch. Well, so far. With Eric coming along, the hierarchy might change a little. Wait, Eric? That name sounded familiar but I couldn't recall where I had heard it from.

"Get the hell up Jayden!!!" Ara beckoned one more time. This time, it was enough to snap me out of my hallucinations. I was in the middle of a fight with Eric and I couldn't remember a thing that had happened!

"Hey, what did I miss?" I asked as Ara helped me to the ground. Normally, Master Krul was meant to stop the match since I could not stand on my own anymore. The match was already decided at that point, but he didn't bat an eyelid. Neither did Master Imin.

"Miss? His face maybe. He knocked you out the moment the fight started. Didn't you see his punch coming?" Ara asked. He was tall, with slim, well-tanned muscles that somehow found their way through his uniform. He was what you might refer to as a pretty boy if he smiled a little more. However, he hated smiling as much as I hated carrying out my responsibilities. He had long dark hair that was about shoulder level, which he packed into a ponytail. His dark eyes shone with such courage and leadership, that you might have almost mistaken him for a main character. But my discerning eye was sharp enough to see through that mirage. But possibly if Eric was not in play, perhaps Ara might have made the main character's final list. He had the makings of one after all.

Oh right, the fight. I almost forgot. "I have no idea what happened, but I think it's time for damage control," I said. The entire crowd were bemused that I had not clamoured to give up. I didn't know why either, but I refused to stay down. Somehow, I felt a desire not to lose. Ara's presence does that sometimes. And he chose the worst days to influence me, for there laid a herculean task before me. Couldn't it have come into play when I had a less fearsome foe before me? Why now?

"Do your thing Jayden. Not the one where you run away and give up, but the one where you come up with a surprise. Show Jayden that we're not a walkover. That even the weakest of us can stand their ground."

A touching speech it was. I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins as he spoke. A truly energetic and inspiring choice of words. The camaraderie of the corps pushed me to a height I never thought was achievable.

"I've got this," I said, as I finally stood straight to face Eric. The crowd grew wilder to witness what would be a turning of events. Yes, I was literally turning my back on the event. Without any hesitation, I made my way towards the quickest exit from the excited crowd and ran as quickly as my legs could take me. The bemused crowd stood still for a few seconds, before Master Krul yelled, "Get him!"

Like an army running towards the battlefield as their commander rallied them, every member of the corps chased me as quickly as they could. Well, everyone except for Master Krul and Master Imin. But what the Corps failed to understand was, there was no one capable of catching me if I meant to escape. I resonated with what Ara said. But I was not a fighter. If I was to show Eric what the Corps were capable of, I would have to display the best skill in my arsenal, the gift of running away.

All of Airen town stood still as they watched the hilarious display of the Corps trying to catch up to me. Many had given up on the way. I was certain Master Krul would punish them for that. But yet, none were close. The only ones who were in sight unsurprisingly, were Eric, Ara, and another very competent member of the Corps, Anak. She was the wildest of all the Corps and I believed she relished the chase. If I was to be wary of anyone, it would be here, not for her pace, but for her persistence. If she was truly intent on catching me, she would be difficult to shake off. There was only one way around it. I had to lose them in the mountains.


Master Krul bit his fingers as some of the Corps members returned disappointed. Their numbers only continued to increase as time passed. Yet, there was no sign of me. Before too long, all of the Corps had returned, save for me, Ara, Eric and Anak. Master Imin took out the scroll that had been handed to him by Master Krul; the message from Master Lui that Eric brought. As soon as he started, Master Imin looked distraught. It was a worrisome occurrence for those who knew him well. Master Imin was rarely shaken, much less taken aback by anything. To see him petrified because of a message he read terrified everyone.

"What did it say?" Master Krul asked immediately.

"They have returned," he said.

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