For All of My Dead Friends

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This is meant to be a slam poem

Give me
your burdens
your bothers,
i'll just
pile them up
on top of my own
like the dishes
in your sink
like the flowers
on your grave

Make me your confident
I'll take your words
and lock them away
deep in my heart
we can be
alone together
if you so desire

Jump both feet in life
I'll open my arms
catch you
before you reach
the bottom
and get us
in a bloody mess

But do not ask for forgiveness
if you choose
to hate yourself

I will not forgive you
for drowning
under the pressure
of your oppressor
I will not forgive you
for cutting yourself
out of my life
I will not forgive you
for shooting down
all debate
of your fate
I will not forgive you
for jumping
to the conclusion
your life is pollution

I know you feel like
you had your dose
the bottle's empty but
do not
hang up
your coat just yet
I will NOT
for the ghost of you

I am already surrounded
by death
maybe not real death
but near death
so screw death

For it is not
the smell
of fresh rain
or baked bread
It's not comforting
or reassuring
It's pretty-freaking-ugly
dark and broken
It's needles
in your heart
and water
in your throat
It's cold cement
or that gut feeling
telling you,
something's wrong
there's nothing to be
It's in your clothes
in your bones
something chilling
that never leaves
but most of all
it is not for you

So please
take my hand
and collect
your breath

to be

Just please

get off

that ledge

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