I should know better.

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I say things I don't mean
Well not really because I mean if at the moment but then I look back and I realize how from the truth it was. I have days where people feel like burdens, like chores and I just couldn't care less. But words are powerful and lack of it is too. So advice to myself:

Stop sharing your mind about people if you're not sure; you change your mind like your clothes.

Don't be harsh, say the truth one at a time it hurts more all together.

Say it yourself, don't be a fucking coward

They deserve more. It's not your responsibility but you can be the sun in their day or the shoulder to cry on without being their lifeline.

Empathy. 1$ goes a long way when it comes from everybody.

Patience. I know it sucks. They suck. But they suffered. Don't be another knife up their throat.

Just tell him. At least he won't be confused. Hot and cold does not work. He's your friend, tell him. Don't push him away without explaining you know how that feels.

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