Chapter 1

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One year later...

Secretkeeper yawned as she entered the school. It was just another dark cave, like many other places in the Night Kingdom, but this place was to teach dragonets history, about the other tribes, and more. Morrowseer was waiting for her as usual - it had been about a year since they had first really met.

"How are you?" the black dragonet asked her as he fell into pace.

"Good, I guess..." Secretkeeper mumbled.

Morrowseer leaned in and spoke in a whisper. "Are Hopebringer and Vigilance still fighting?" Secretkeeper kept looking at her talons, but she nodded. Hopebringer and Vigilance were her parents.

"It's getting worse. I think they'll break up soon..." Secretkeeper replied quietly. Morrowseer hugged Secretkeeper with a wing, spreading it across her back. She blushed and intently stared at the ground. She had to admit, she certainly had developed something - it wasn't as small as a crush, that's for sure.

"That's floor's pretty interesting, huh?" Morrowseer chuckled after a moment as they stood before the classroom's entrance. He tucked his wing in as Secretkeeper nervously laughed.

"Sorry about that... I was just thinking," Secretkeeper answered, walking into the room. Many NightWings were already settling in on the ground, while the teacher, Quickclaws, paced in front.

"Alright, you hyper dragonets! Settle down!" Quickclaws shouted harshly. The last few dragonets sat down and the chatter stopped. "Great. Today, we are studying the SandWings of Pyrrhia..." Quickclaws droned on and on, but most everyone wasn't listening. "...And that concludes our lesson. And now, the sixth-years will be getting out of school. That would be... Morrowseer, Secretkeeper, Mastermind, and Farsight. Congratulations."

Wait, really? This was our last day? Thank goodness! Secretkeeper thought happily. Quickclaws dismissed them and the four were practically tripping over each other to get out. When she did, Secretkeeper spread her wings and yelled, "Freedom!" Morrowseer laughed lightly, and the two other dragonets smiled.

Morrowseer glanced at the sky. The sun wasn't very visible, but the slight glow above the gloom surrounding the Night Kingdom showed it was a few hours passed midday. "Come on, Secretkeeper! I've got a surprise for you!" he shouted back after he took off into the sky.

Farsight smirked. "I wonder what kind of surprise. A confession, perhaps?" Mastermind snickered from behind Farsight.

"Sh-shut up!" Secretkeeper retorted before taking to the air. The two dragonets below kept laughing. Morrowseer's not interested in me. He's not the type of dragon to have a crush or anything. He's just your friend, so don't suspect anything.

But nothing could stop Secretkeeper from smiling as she thought about the well-muscled dragonet. If her dream came true, that Morrowseer loved her back - even if they were young - she would be happy.

How Secretkeeper and Morrowseer metWhere stories live. Discover now