Tyler's note

165 14 10

Dear Troye,

I know. I'm dead. Big whoop. I should say my goodbyes now, huh?

First things first- please play The Fray at my funeral. I would love to be buried with their amazing voices in the air.

Secondly, tell the gang they were fun to hang with. They are really good friends, stay with them.

Thirdly, I love you. There, I said it. I'm helplessly in love with you.I'm in love with your voice, your accent, your cuteness, your adorableness, basically everything you do. This is gonna sound cheesy, but Troye, I'm in love with you and all your little things. I hope you move on. I hope you'll at least be able to be happy with someone you love. I hope you'll love her the way I loved you.

Even if I tried, I couldn't just not be in love with you. It was so hard leaving you, yet so easy. I hope one day you'll be able to say it back, to me. Maybe in 80 years, when it's your time. But not now. You have everything to live for.

But now, it's my time.

Peace out boy scout.


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