November 21, 2014

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So today when I went to visit you, I brought my guitar. I sung you 'Stay With Me' by Sam Smith, because I remember you saying it was one of your favorites. I think you heard me singing, because I could've sworn I saw you smile.  You would force me to sing in front of you, even record it sometimes because you knew I had stage fright. I would get so mad when you secretly film me, but then you manage to make me smile by saying you just want to hear me again and again because you loved my voice. After I sung 'Stay With Me', I figured I would sing 'Little Things' because Tyler, I'm in love with you and your little things.

The hospital gave me the movie you liked so much, The Fault in Our Stars, and we watched it in your room together. I cried, harder than I should've, because I couldn't help but wonder if you were going to die. But I pushed it away, because I know you're strong.

I miss you.


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