November 3, 2014

254 15 3

Hey Ty.

So today, I went to school. People everywhere were giving me sympathetic looks.

Like no, I don't need their sympathy, you're just in a coma!

Anyways, Connor, Jenn, Andrea, and I sat at our usual seats at lunch. But it wasn't really the same without you there. Your seat was so empty and it felt so quiet. I mean, the cafeteria was pretty noisy, but at our table, it was... quiet. Seems like you're always the one with something new to gossip about.

That's another thing I love about you. The way you're not afraid to show your feminine side. The gossiping, your Starbucks addiction, your fangirl moments.

Oh, how I missed hearing you scream like a girl because One Direction were in town, or they released something. You know, I remember the day you told me you were leaving for like three months. You had to go to your aunt in Ireland. We practically spent the week before together, and when you left.... god it was so emotional.

But that's you. Emotional.

Which is why you're such an easy target. Tyler, believe me when I say this; if I could take back everytime I just walked past you getting bullied, I would. I was just so scared they were gonna beat me up.

You're stronger than this, Ty. You can fight this.

Please wake up soon, I'm going crazy.


Dear Diary || troylerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora