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I got this idea from @HotBitch194
Ty for the idea 🪳

KJ = Karl Jacobs

BQ = Big Q or just Quackity

Anyway, HD and XD decided to visit KJ or Karl. They got everything they needed and teleported there. XD doesn't care about manners so he kicked down the door. "OH COME ON! I JUST GOT THAT FIXED" KJ yelled. "WHAT THE FUCK IS UP KARL!" XD yelled back. HD scoffed and just simply and kindly repaired the door. "Thanks HD!" Karl said. "No problem" HD answered. XD took a good look at the house then his eyes instantly went to Sapnap. "AYYYY SAPNAP!!" XD said. Sapnap turned around then instantly turned back.

"Awh what happened to 'hi' or 'hello'?" XD asked. "Ya'll keep on having SEX in-front of ME! And I do not want to deal with that shit" Sapnap said as his flames grew bigger. "Chill out Sapnap you just walked in on us multiple times" XD scoffed. "XD you literally have sex with HD EVERY SINGLE DAY! WHY." Sapnap asked angrily. "Because HD is really good~" XD said. Sapnap groaned and made his way towards Karl.

"OKAY! Since we are all here I forgot to mention something! Anyone remember BQ?" Karl asked. Everyone looked at Karl with excitement. "IS BIG Q GONNA BE HERE???" HD yelled. Karl nodded while grinning. "He's actually gonna arrive-" Karl stopped his sentence as he saw water on the ground. "Right now- well he just arrived" Karl said. Everyone looked around for him. "AYY WASSUP BITCHES!" Quackity yelled.

"WASSUP BIG Q!" Sapnap yelled. "THE GOD OF THE SEA IS HERE!" HD yelled excitedly. "Ooo~ and who brought this beautiful gentleman here?" BQ asked, teasing XD. "Okay! Hands off BQ he's mine." XD said. BQ laughed at XD's protectiveness. "Okay whatever you say pissbaby" BQ said while laughing mid-sentence. Everyone laughed at the word pissbaby except for XD. "BQ I will literally knock out that pea-brain of yours our of your head." XD warned. "Okay pissbaby go eat some ass or sum" BQ joked. XD then looked at HD then at BQ. They all bursted out laughing except for sapnap. 

"Was that a dare?" XD asked while smirking. "What if it is?" BQ said. XD picked HD up and went to the extra bedroom. "DUDE I DIDN'T MEAN IT BAHHBAKCAL" BQ said while laughing. "Yeah I'm not going in there" Sapnap said. "They better clean it up." Karl said, sounding serious. 

"XD he wasn't serious" HD reminded. "Whatever" XD shrugged. XD then placed HD carefully on the bed. XD then leaned closer, until their lips touched. HD softly moaned in the kiss. XD pulled away to breathe. XD then leaned closer to HD's neck and softly sucked on it. HD used his hands to cover his mouth which made XD a little mad. "My love, I don't give one fuck if they're here I want to hear your moans" XD said. HD immediately removed his hand from his mouth. XD continued to suck on HD's neck, causing HD to moan softly. XD continued to suck until he sucked on HD's spot which made HD moan a little louder. 


"NO WAY THEY ARE ACTUALLY HAVING SEX" BQ said. "Yeah I know and I don't want to hear them." Sapnap said, sitting in the corner sobbing. Karl is just- Karl. 

Lol mega time skip

"AhH~" HD moaned. XD continued to thrust into HD at a quick pace. They were both, tightly holding hands. They were covered in sweat. The room is filled with nothing but just loud moans from the nether god. The boys in the living room were sobbing and laughing. "gOd.. FuCk~" HD moaned loudly. "HEY THATS OFFENSIVE BITCH" BQ said. How the fuck was that offensive-. HD begged for XD to go faster. XD sped up, hitting HD's prostate. "Ha~ Cl-OsE" HD warned. They were both panting and still covered in sweat. XD grunted as they both felt a tight knot form in their stomach. 

A few thrusts later, they both came. XD slowly thrusted but then stopped. XD then pulled out his dick out of HD's ass S L O W L Y 👹 "Come on, let's get cleaned." XD said. "Bitch I can't walk" HD said. XD chuckled then carried HD to the bathroom. They both bathed together and got cleaned. They both went of the bathroom to see Karl, Sapnap, and Quackity holding guns. "Okay what the hell is this-?" XD asked. "You ruined us" Karl said. The guns clicked, but XD and HD teleported just in time. "GOD DAMN IT" Sapnap yelled. "AWh man" Quackity sighed. "Whatever- THEY BETTER CLEAN UP THE CUM" Karl complained.

uh yeah thats all 👹

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