Chapter 6: Stubborn Persistence

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Paul was able to successfully delay the renovation and eviction by two days, but he knew they would return the next morning to go through that process all over again. As the evening began to draw closer, Paul had invited all the other residents over to assist in his next scheme. They assembled the various painting implements used over Mr Rosby's long career and under the direction of Harold, they got to work. Often in many small clusters, 'Arcane runes' were plastered onto the walls and floors all over the housing block. Harold would patrol the halls, assisting his neighbours and Paul in ensuring they could get the symbols to look as authentic and realistic as possible, imparting his many years of knowledge and experience onto his newfound allies. As the night drew on, everyone started enjoying themselves quite a bit, all laughing about the ridiculousness of the entire situation. Even Josy got involved, and as she painted alongside Paul, she struggled to grasp how hiring an independent rookie lawyer led to this. This process was finished by bringing candles close to the wet paint, drying them at a quicker rate, ensuring that there would be no chance for the blue substance to drip further down the wall.

Now it was simply a matter of letting as many people know of this grand discovery and completely unique occurrence. Early in the morning, Paul and Josy went around advertising the awe-inspiring event to anyone who would listen. They eventually found a crier boy, who Paul persuaded through a generous donation to begin telling everyone about the birth of even more arcane magic right there on their streets.

When Paul returned the next day, he could already see the line begin to develop, with more and more people trying to get a look at the discovery of a lifetime that had been found right on their doorstep's. As the morning drew on, the line to enter Brickstone House only grew and grew, with the queuing up around the corner of the street. Harold in particular was lapping up the attention, more than happy to answer any questions regarding this once in a lifetime event. Paul simply sat back, watching the number of eager citizens grow and grow, a self-satisfied grin plastered over his face.

Soon after, Paul recognised the familiar site of the Hightower renovation crew on their way, which prompted him into action.

"Ah gentlemen, how are we today?" Asked Paul as he extended his arm for a handshake that was brushed aside.

"What is all this horseshit?" exclaimed the lead contractor.

"Woah there, mind your language. There are children here today." Insisted Paul in a hushed voice.

"Yeah, I noticed. What are they all doing here?" He asked, his temper already nearing a boiling point simply by being in the presence of Paul Goodbrook.

"Well, the evening you fine gentlemen left, Mr Rosby woke up to a peculiar sound and discovered strange runes all over his house and the neighbours even found symbols dotted around their residences as well." Explained Paul formally as he put his hands behind his back, standing taller in act to sell the story.

"I bet they did." Snorted the lead contractor as he looked down on Paul.

"Well by all means Sir, if you want to go along and request that each and every one of these people leave so you can begin working, then be my guest. Just bear in mind that you have no real authority over their actions. If they want to accept Mr Rosby and his friend's generous offer, they are fully allowed to do that and there is nothing you or myself can do to stop them." Explained Paul once again, maintaining a calm and friendly demeanour, much to the annoyance of the lead contractor. In a huff, the lead contractor stared down at Paul.

"I'll send one of my boys to go grab some enforcers then." Stated the lead contractor in defiance.

"And what will they do? These people are not breaking the law. They have no grounds to act on. If they start forcing people away, someone could simply file a case against the enforcer department, which would drag you and your employers kicking and screaming into a high-profile court case that neither of you could afford, both financially and from a public relations perspective" Explained Paul before starting directly into the larger man's eyes to ram home the point. "And that would mean your entire operation would be suspended indefinitely and I'm sure you don't want that, do you?"

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