Chapter 9: Deeper Waters

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The following hours passed quickly for Paul as he scanned the deepest corners of his mind trying to figure out what Marcus was up to. He overheard a tense conversation before he met Sheriff Mallister, but as much as it gave him some key clues, it didn't give Paul an awful lot to work with. He went on at length about one Caitlyn Kiramman. He did not know her personally, but he had met her mother, Councillor Cassandra Kiramman, on a few occasions in his many years he had spent as Hoskel's assistant. She tended to keep herself distant from Paul's former employer, which Paul could understand. Paul may have liked and respected the man for taking a chance on a young boy from a relatively minor house, but he understood that the high nobility of Piltover would either be endeared or irritated by his unique mannerisms and 'charm'. There didn't seem to be a middle ground with Hoskel.

Regardless of Hoskel's character, he was the owner of 'The Proud Lioness' after the case with Orys, and Paul was fortunate enough to reap the benefits of that ordeal and his close connection to Councillor Hoskel.

As soon as the waiter met Paul's eyes, he almost began grovelling at his feet. Paul discovered that he had been named a 'Guest of Honour'. In essence, a VIP list, where anyone on it were prioritized above all else, with the best tables, drinks and meals being offered to them for a serious discount. Paul explained that he would be dining with a guest, but that did not deter the waiter, explaining that the 'Guest of Honour' discount could be used to cover one other person's bill. As soon as the waiter explained that premise, his mind immediately went to Josy, wondering if she would like to come here with him one day. Paul's eyes scanned the area he had been seated at after the waiter took his order for 2 vintage Demacian ciders.

'Of course, she would like it here.'

The tables themselves were laid with the finest silky-smooth cloth, with the wooden structure of the table looking as if it was worth more than Paul's entire office. The golden trim that contained the soft red coat of paint that adorned the walls shimmered with a sparkling glow. Even the railings of the upper balcony had been redone, with silver patterns intertwined withing the metal work. The carpets that lined the walkways of the restaurant shined like moonlight, with the white colour being border with a neat red trim. Paul noticed that the chandelier had been redone as well, with it being replaced with a large golden piece, like the morning sun illuminating the grand space beneath it. Paul's table sat by one of three circular windows that sat on the front facing wall on the upper balcony, their design reminding him of the large window in Hoskel's office.

'Who wouldn't like it here?'

As Paul looked out onto the moonlit streets, he spied the Deputy making his way to the front door of the establishment in a very expensive looking suit, making Paul wonder if his own attire would be seen as a form of insult. It was a simple suit, A deep blue suit with a white shirt a black puff tie, but Paul was certain it cost considerably less than what Marcus was wearing.

"Ah Deputy, good to see you at last." Smiled Paul as he stood up and shook the deputy's hand, who seemed in no real rush after arriving quite late.

"Yes, my apologies for my delay. Work tends to run long." Explained Marcus without any real sincerity behind his voice, almost as if he was still in the process of hiding secret emotions that he did not want Paul to notice of.

"Well, I've taken the liberty of ordering drinks for us. I didn't know when you were going to arrive, so I got us some of the finest Demacian cider. I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all." Replied Marcus simply. "And here are the photos you requested." He continued as he reached into his inner pocket, sliding over two photos. Paul examined them closely, his mind rattling through the ways he could use the pictures before sliding them into his own inner pocket.

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