Chapter 14: Clipped Wings

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Fortunately for Paul, the Darren trial did not present any serious blowback, allowing him to enjoy another victory. He had not heard from Darren, but he hoped that whatever mess he was involved with was resolved.

Business continued as usual for Paul over the following couple of weeks, until he received a pair of interesting guests who arrived at his practice. He was of course familiar with many varying walks of life, which he experienced through the diverse cast of characters that Paul would interact with on a regular basis. Paul had only just arrived for the start of the day, with the light that indicted that a customer was waiting blinking up the moment he sat down. Paul adjusted himself in his seat, straightening his tie as he pressed the button on his side.

A few moments after the button was pressed, the door was opened with a great pace as two people strode into the room, who looked around at it with curious eyes. Paul was first drawn to the tallest of the two, a vastayan, who seemed to be analysing Paul through his illuminated emerald eyes with greater scrutiny when compared to his companion. The other who stepped forward towards Paul was a young pink haired woman, with a firm jawline and strands of hair that swept across her eyes whilst poking out from under her hood. Both wore clothes that were heavily reminiscent of the Zaun lifestyle, with many pieces looking like they were stitched together with whatever materials could be found. The woman looked to even have several belts strapped around her neck. Paul assumed it was some fashion trend of the undercity. Her dark eyes scanned Paul quickly as he stood up, offering his hand to her.

"Hello, hello lady and gentlemen." Greeted Paul with a smile and small chuckle, as the vastayan let out a low gruff as the pink haired lady looked at Paul's outstretched hand, as if the limb itself was laced with secret intent. Eventually, the woman shook his hand hesitantly, as if she was cautious of committing to it. Paul then turned to the vastayan, outstretching his hand to the larger individual, who's bat like eyes furrowed slightly at the gesture. He let out another low gruff as he folded his arms.

"No worries. Are menacing stares the usual greeting that you fine people are accustomed to?" Joked Paul as he retracted his hand, looking back and forth between the vastayan and the woman's faces, looking for any kind of reaction to his joke. There was none. "It's a joke guys." Chuckled Paul as he tried to endear himself to his potential dour new clients. "You are allowed to laugh. No need to be all doom and gloom. Please sit." Smiled Paul as he gestured for the pair to take a seat in the two chairs opposing Paul on the other side of the desk. "So, what can I help with?" Politely asked Paul as he interlocked his hands on the desk in front of him.

"You get people out of prison, right?" Bluntly asked the pink haired woman, giving Paul a refreshing change of pace from managing most his clients, through her straightforward approach.

"That is indeed what I try and do. Of course, things are never normally that simple, compromises often have to be made, but I pride myself on getting the best possible deal for my clients." Explained Paul, switching into his salesmen mode, hoping his pitch wouldn't be lost upon them. "Now I'm guessing you know who I am since you are here today, but who do I have the pleasure of speaking to?" Asked Paul, trying to establish more of a personal connection with the pair, hoping to break down the wall they had erected, presumably due to the differences in their upbringings.

"Eve." Stated the pink haired woman, just as bluntly as she had been addressing Paul up to that point. Paul smiled with a nod before turning his eyes to the vastayan who had not relented from his piercing glare. "So, what kind of deals do you get?" Continued Eve, not even acknowledging the tense moment between her companion and Paul. The latter quickly shook his eye from the vastayan before addressing Eve, slightly unnerved by the fierce gaze he was under.

"Well, the deals depend on the charges. A minor misdemeanour means it's pretty easy to get a good deal, however, more serious charges often lead to the client needing to take one on the chin as it were." Chuckled Paul again, hoping to crack the stern visage of either of his guests, but to no avail. "Of course, the amount of evidence at hand that goes for or against the client plays a key part in how good the deal is as well, but you don't need a lawyer to tell you that." Explained Paul as he reached over to a sheet of paper and pen and prepared to begin writing. "So, what details can you give me." Requested Paul, waiting a moment before glancing up, anticipating some hesitation due to his observations of them. He was not surprised when he saw the poker faces of his guests on full display, but to his surprise, the vastayan looked over to Eve. Silence hung over the trio for several moments before Eve spoke.

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