Chapter 5

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Mays POV

"May are you alright?" Reece asks as we sit in Reece's room later that night. I look up from my cocoon of blankets. Reece and I been watching a movie.

"Yeah I'm fine." I say and out if the corner of my eye I see his scowl.

"Are you sure?" he asks and I close my eyes.

"Yeah." I whisper ad he scowls. He raps his arms around my waist and pulls me onto his lap, again I close my eyes.

"Please." He whispers and he nuzzles my neck.

"I'm sorry." I say. He sighs then runs a hand through my hair. My breath hitches

"Okay lets start with the eating thing. I know your not really sick." He says holding my hands. I smile at him weakly.

"I just sorta stopped eating. Food just repulses me." I whisper with a smile. He scowls and runs his shaking fingers over the back of my hand.

"May, princess that isn't good. You know that what killed Ala-" I cut him off.

"Don't say her name. And you think I don't know that?" I hiss looking at him and guilt floods his eyes.

"Please. I can't loose you too." He says with tears now. I sigh and look away.

"You won't. It's not that bad." I whisper with a shrug. He sighs a heavy sigh.

"Yeah hers wasn't either." He says and gets off of the couch. I feel tears brim in my eyes. Then I turn so my back is against the couch, I curl myself into a ball. Then let out a loud shaky sob.

I can't believe he used that against me. I can't believe that he almost said her name. I just can't.

Reece and I may have been best friends but we had one other friend who was always around. Her name was Alana. The three of us went everywhere together.

She was diagnosed with depression she we were fourteen. Then when Reece left she killed herself. I was left heart broken and to top it all off Reece didn't even come back for the funeral.

"Are you alright?" I look up from my shaking legs to see Charlie. I wipe tears and move over so he can sit next to me.

"Are you alright?" he asks again as he sits next to me. I shake my head and he puts an arm around me.

"What's wrong?" he asks as I lean into him. I hiccup before answering.

"Reece." I say in a small voice. I see a smirk on Charlie's face.

"So you do like him?" He says and I hit his arm.

"No- I. That's not what this is about." I say to him in a whisper. He scowls and I wish people would stop doing that.

"What did he do? If you don't m"

"I don't mind. He said something about a friend of ours who died-"

"Alana. He told me." Now I scowl and almost loose my temper.

"What did he tell you?" He shrugs.

"Told me that she died while he was at the X Factor house. He couldn't leave. Said that she died in a car accident." I scowl. I dot know if I would have been more mad if he had told the boys that she had killed herself. Or if I was madder now because he felt that he needed to lie about it.

"He compared me to her." I whispered and looked up at Charlie from under my eye lashes.

"Really? Is that a bad thing?" He asks and I shrug.

"Not in more case. But in that case that he uses it in- it was." I say and he nods.

"Give him some time. He was thugs that he doesn't mean when he's mad." I shake my head.

"No. He says things he never had the courage to say any other time."

"If that we true he would tell you he loves you when he's mad."


Oooo! What does Charlie know that May doesn't? And did we see a bit of Reece's bad boy side? Do we like Reece's bad boy side? Yes? No? Let me know!

Instagram: @aye_reece_nutella or @morganallen1109

Twitter: @carrotqueen459

And you know my WATPAD!!!

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