2021 Update

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Hey everyone. Long time no see. When I wrote this in July of 2017, I never would of thought this would reach so many people. As my journey has continued and I'm very thankful to say I am now 21 with a gorgeous little 8 month old daughter. I am currently in the works of writing and publishing my own memoir. It makes me cringe how my 16 year old wrote this. My new book will discuss the scene here. There was something later found in my life that could have prevented this all.... A lot of grief had to be felt and I had to learn a whole lot of acceptance of myself and for the past I missed out on. Today I am incredibly grateful and finally living the life I want to live. It is possible.

If this is your first time reading, I thank you for taking the time out of your day. If your going through something hard, I can tell you, you will get through it. There's a lot of sunshine to come.

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