Chapter 2

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I wake up at the sound of my alarm. I extend my arm to turn it off. While doing that, I notice that my roommate/friend Shikamaru isn't there.

I sit up in bed, rubbing my eyes. I yawn before getting up and walking toward the bathroom. I lean against the counter and just stare at myself in the mirror. Eye bags, blonde hair, and blue eyes, bloodshot eyes.

To much damn stress..

I'm not taking to much things on my shoulders, so I don't know why I look tired. I shrug it off and wash my face with water. Making me wake up completely.

I walk toward my closet and pulled out some black tailored pants and a white long sleeve button up. I stuff them in a bag along with my phone, charger, headphones, and my wallet. And my keys.

I put on some lightweight cargo pants and a green sweater with the letters UOK.
University of Konoha.
I got it at the beginning of the year when I first started. Now, I'm almost done with this year and it'll be summer.

I try to comb my hair, but it won't stay put. Great. I brush it off, and grab my bag. I put my headphones on and make my way to my job.
I don't live far from where I work, so I can easily walk other there. It's called The Main Dish.
It served mostly Italian food.

"Hey, Naruto!" Kiba says, as he runs up to me. I'm still on campus grounds, so I would expect to see him.

"What's up?" I say, as we give each other a high five.

"Nothin' much. How 'bout you bro?"

"The usual. I'm making my way to work."

"Oh, boring. I was hoping to have you join me at a party! There's gonna be a Ton of girls. You could meet one yourself."

"Nah, I'm good. I've got..uh..things to do. I'll, uh, see you later."
I ran away, not letting him say another word.

Sasuke's POV

I got up around 2:00pm. Extra sleep for me. My roommate had left around 11:00 am or so? I don't know, cause I don't care.

I get up and sit on the edge of the bed, as I stretch and yawn. I get up, and walk toward my bathroom. I had eye bags, real bad. I can't imagine my family, especially my mom, seeing me like this.

"Meh," is all I say, before hopping into the shower.
The water rolling down my body, it's peaceful. The weekends can either go two ways for me: 1. I get a nice time to relax and spend some time on myself. 2. I have a bunch of work that I need to get to. Stressing me more out

As I get out of the shower, I dry myself a bit, before wrapping the towel around my waist. I walk out the bathroom and to my closet.

I throw on some black cargo lightweight pants, along with a dark grey toned blue sweater. A white shirt could be seen under my sweater. It stuck out a bit at the end of it and at the top.

I grabbed a bag that held most of my essentials. I tossed it onto my back, and walked out of my dorm.

As I walk through the campus, I spot my roommate talking to his annoying friend. Surprisingly, he woke up before me. If he could, he'd spend his whole day sleeping and doing nothing. But, who's to say I wouldn't either?

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