Chapter 5

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Naruto POV

I woke up LATE!?

I throw on some olive green cargo pants in a hurry, along with a white plain Nike sweater. I hurriedly put my bag on and speed it up walk to my first class.

I barge in during the middle of a presentation from the teacher. I awkwardly smile at him and he nods at me. I slowly shuffle between people to get to my seat.
I sit next to Kiba and set my bag down.

"Continuing on, this project is worth 50% of your grade. I've randomly selected partners and you will choose different parts. There will be two partners to a group. One will be the recorder and the other will be the builder. Recorder writes down what you both do the whole week in a journal that I'll pass out in a bit. The builder will sketch out what you did that day with very clear details. For the project, you will create a pretend business from what we've been learning the past few week. You will create a presentation showing all your notes and you'll be explaining why your business would be successful. I will give you a paper that explains everything."

I groaned.
I. Hate. This. Class.
But I took it anyways.

Ino raises her hand as the papers are being passed around.

"Mr. Kakashi!"


"Will you be choosing our partners right now?"

"Yes. I'll call them out right now."

Ino chuckled then eyeballed some dude with jet black hair. It looks like a ducks butt. Ino and Sakura always eyed him anytime they could.
A bit weird in my opinion.

"Alright, I'll call you and your partners names out! First, Shino and Kiba, Shikamaru and Choji, Hinata and Sakura, Ino and TenTen, Sai and Neji, Naruto and Sasuke -"

He continued. I stopped listening as soon as he said my name.
Sasuke? Who the actual fuck is that? I've never met someone by that name.

Kiba tapped my shoulder.

"You're pared with my roommate. He's over there." Kiba pointed to the dude that Ino was eyeing earlier.

I know him from somewhere. I'm certain.

I grab my bag and walked over to my partner. He was a row behind me and Kiba. Which meant he was higher from where I sat.

"Yo, what's up dude."

He was still sitting down. He didn't look up at me to greet me. He just said, "hm".
I sat down next to him and Kakashi continued talking.

"Alright! Now that you have your partners, I'd like for you to each brainstorm things for your business, while I pass out the journals. Look at the paper I handed out! It has everything that I'm expecting!"

I look at the paper and read over it.
My partner looks over my shoulder to read the paper as well. I notice and I slowly move the paper so that it's in between me and him so he could see it better.

As soon as we get the journal, I've already read through the whole paper.

"So, uh," I looked at him as I held up the journal. He avoided looking at me.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2022 ⏰

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