Chapter 4

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Sundays are sooooo boring, at least for me.
I get up, and sit up in bed. I stare off into nowhere.
I cried my heart out yesterday. I kinda just think it's pathetic that I cried.

I have work though. Highlight of my day. I'm joking obviously.

I get up, and do my normal routine. Get up, stare in disappointment in the mirror, take a shower, continue with the stare of disappointment, put clothes on, put work clothes in bag.
Basically it. I have everything I need in my bag at that time.

Todays fit? Some black lightweight pants with a white sweater. The sweater is cool though. It has the cover of my favorite anime on it.

I throw my hood over my head, and my bag on my back. I have my headphones playing music. I jam out to it as I walk to work. It helps me ignore every thing that's disturbing me.

As I walk, someone tags along behind me.

"Kiba, are you seriously following me?" I say, stopping in my tracks.

"Yeah I am! I wanted to check on ya, but you left sooner than usual."

"I did. I'm really excited to go to work." I continue walking away from Kiba.
I'm not in the mood. Talking about my problems, sucks. I know what he's going to say, and it's about Sakura.

Doesn't matter to him, because he continues to try and run after me. I walk in a fast pace as he runs after me. Sooner or later, I slow down my face and walk calmly to the restaurant.
Guess he stopped following me, because when I looked back, he wasn't there.

I walk into the restaurant through the back door. I change in the bathroom begin taking care of people. Some work outfit as yesterday, white long sleeve button up, tailored black pants and a black apron wrapped around me.

The nice old man from yesterday (not from the store) was one of the people I was serving.

"Hey, you're from yesterday," he exclaims.

"Yes, indeed sir." I reply trying to force a smile. I'm afraid he might shame me.

"You did so well! You've got an amazing voice boy! Why don't you try singing more, hm?"

"Thank you sir, for your kind words! I don't know about singing much. Plus, I'm too scared of people who come to this restaurant. They're mostly wealthy people."

"Hm? Why be scared? If you're afraid of what people will say, that'll stop ya from doing anything! Listen boy, there are always going to be negative comments, but there always going to be good ones too! You've got to have some faith in yourself kid. You ain't gotta believe me, but that voice of yours is beautiful. Try singing more son."

I chuckled and respond with, "Thank you sir, I'll keep that in mind. Guess you are right. I'll try to get over these thoughts."

"Not try, but do. Get them out of your head."

I chuckle again, "I will sir. Now how about your order? Bet your wife is starving."
I look over to his wife, and she smiles at me. They're sitting across from each other.

"Oh, not at all. We both watched ya sing yesterday and felt amazed. Glad to see you again."

"Thank you both so much! Okay, now may I get your order?"

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