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Riki pov

After class

"Calm down Jungwon you don't need to shoot daggers at him" I said to Jungwon who I swear was trying to kill Sunoo through his eyes.

"You know Riki your must be a fucking saint to be so ok with the bitch doing this shit to you" Jungwon said glaring at Sunoo again so I turned him away.

"Listen to me. I'm ok. I don't care how bad he could treat me we're over. And I'm not looking for him back" I said and Jungwon nodded calming down.

"I'm sorry. I know it's not my fight. But you can't tell me it doesn't bother you watching that" Jungwon said turning around and watching Sunoo and Sunghoon do whatever they were doing.

"Sure it's upsetting but what can we do?" I asked and he pursed his lips.

"Nothing I guess. Your right I'll calm down" he said and I chuckled at him.

He laughed too but then his eyes drifted over my shoulder to someone else making him stop laughing and start staring.

"Jungwon what are you- oh" I said and turned around seeing Jay.

Jungwons had the biggest crush on Jay for like 7 years. I thought it was a thing back in grade school but it's followed him all the way to high school. It must be awkward for him since he is apart of our friend group.

"If you like him so much just tell him" I said trying to reason with him and he turned pink.

"No! Shut up. I could never. He thinks we are just friends" he said admiring Jay from afar.

"Your loss. I can't believe you still like him" I said and he snapped his head towards me.

"What is that supposed to mean?" He asked offended.

"Haven't you liked him since like grade one?" I asked trying to think back then.

"Grade two thank you very much" he said with lots of sass.

"Well then. I guess you hang out with Sunoo too much" I said but then regretted it.

"Don't. Speak. Of. The. Bitch" he said pointing at me with each word.

"Ok ok I'm sorry" i said and he seemed to take it.

"Good now I'm going to see Jay." Jungwon stated and left. Thankfully Jake and Heeseung came over to me.

"He mad?" Jake asked me pointing at Jungwon.

"When isn't he?" I said and they nodded.

"Don't worry someday he will let it go" Heeseung said and Jake looked at him confused.

"Have you seen that guy? He can hold a grudge for ever" Jake said shaking his head.

"It doesn't matter. Let Jungwon be mad it's not our problem" I said.

Then Sunghoon came into the class to get Sunoo obviously.

I don't know what they were talking about but then Sunoo laughed and walked out if the class with him.

I looked at then with eyes full of pain.

I don't want him back. Maybe I just some closure.

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