Chapter 1 - Promise Broken

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Deo and Tommy were still 9 at this time, they were both sitting under a tree, it was a real sunny day. They were near their Village, playing. The other kids went home early. Deo and Tommy were the only one's left. It was the afternoon.. "Tommy, can I tell you something?" Deo asked Tommy and looked at him. Tommy nodded and answered "Sure King!". "In the future, I promise you, we'll be together. I wont leave you, from now, to the Sunshine.." Deo told Tommy and smiled lightly "..I promise". Tommy then chuckled "If its a promise from you!.. It'll stay, I know!" Tommy replied and hugged Deo

"Lets hope my Sunshine.." Deo said and smiled lightly once again and embraced the hug from Tommy. It then started getting dark so they both went home. Like Deo promised, he didn't want to leave Tommy. So all he can do is go with him and walk him home. They don't live that near each other. Deo lives in a other Village. And Tommy from another. They knew each other from the local market. Deo was a Orphan, his parents died

While Tommy lived with his dad, Philza and with his two older brothers who are twins, Techno and Wilbur. Techno is older though, and Wilbur as the second youngest. Well for Deo, Deo's parents died from a..horrible event.. They died from the strong seas. And that was all they knew. Well back to the story..

Deo walked Tommy home and Tommy refused to let Deo leave. Phil needed to bring Deo homoe by himself, "Techno, Wil take care of Tommy while I bring Deo home" said Phil and lightly hold Deo's hand. And left. Deo then spoke "I can go home myself S-sir!" Deo said and let go of Phil's hand and ran away. Like he was scared of something.. "He really went no-" Wilbur said sarcastically as a joke, Techno would laugh at the joke and Tommy raced after Deo

"Deo wait!!" Tommy yelled running after Deo, unfortunately, Deo already left. Tommy was left alone in the dark. "Tommy-!!" Techno came running to Tommy. He then grabbed Tommy on his arm "Dont run off like that!! Like you really needed to chase him!!" Techno added. Tommy then started crying as Techno dragged Tommy by the hand going home

The next day. Tommy went outside excited to see Deo again, but.. "Hey guys! Uhh..where's Deo..?" Tommy greeted everyone and looked around to find Deo. "Tommy..- Deo, left- He said that he needed to go away..- For school- Like all of us do!" Luke told Tommy. Tommy looked, so so sad to hear it "B-but there's a school here! Why didn't he just went there!?" Tommy yelled and started tearing up as he looks at Luke. Bitzel then went to them and spoke "Tommy!! He was telling us the whole story about his parents dying!! His parents said that they want Deo to enter the highest school in the City! Deo wanted to fulfill their wishes..! You need to understand!!" Bitzel said yelling at Tommy like he didn't cared, he did try not to cry but..he burst into tears"I..understand..but why promise..something.." Tommy thought and said as he looked down sadly. Luke sighed "Guys, stop crying. We'll see him again.." Luke tried to cheer them up. But it was official, it was the most saddest day for the three..well, for the two. Luke always see's the bright side of things. But it was a bust, it was just really sad.. After Deo left, the Village was quiet

Until a day where two families moved in. The Bee Family and the Boo family. The Bee Family only have a single dad. Jschlatt as the dad and his adoptive son, Tubbo. The Boo family was a family of Enderman, The parents was unknown. But the son! The sons name is Ranboo. Ranboo was a real nice guy, really likes helping out people. While Tubbo was a rolling ball of happiness! Phil then thought to make a welcome gift for the two. So he went to do it

In a matter of time, he finished both the welcome gifts. He then went to The Bee Family's house first. Phil brought the three with him as well. They knocked on the door and the mom opened "Oh hello..!" They said. "Hello Mrs. Boo! Me and my family made a welcome gift to start you all off!" Phil said and replied with a light smile. "Oh why thank you! Come in! Please!" They said and let them in. The four then came in. While Phil was talking to the Parents. Wilbur and Techno tried not to cause to much chaos. While Tommy was looking around the house

While Tommy was looking around, he saw Ranboo. Ranboo went up to him "Hi!" He greeted Tommy and smiled as his tail wagged. Tommy got surprised "AAAAAA–" Tommy yelled and turned around. "Oh! Hi! You scared me..!". "Sorry! I'm Ranboo! And you are?" Ranboo replied and greeted Tommy with introducing himself to Tommy "I'm Tommy! Nice to meet you!" Tommy replied. "Why are you inside our house?" Ranboo asked and looked at Tommy like Tommy was some kind of Robber

"Me and my dad and brothers came to give your family a welcome gift. Their downstairs" Tommy answered and pointed downstairs. Ranboo then grabbed his hand "Let's go then!" Said Ranboo and ran downstairs with Tommy. "O-okay!" Tommy replied. They then made it downstairs "Ranboo dear! We told you not to run when walking on the stairs!" Ranboo's dad told Ranboo. Ranboo then stand up "Sorry dad!". His dad then sighed "It seems like both our sons met each other now! They look so cute together!" Ranboo's mom would phrase the two. Phil chuckled "Yeah, they are..!" Phil replied to Ranboo's mom. "Mooommmm, please, not the Enderman tradition again..!" Ranboo whined and looked up at her mom "Shhh, deary, we must follow our tradition!" They replied to Ranboo and smiled lightly

Phil then coughed "Uhm, what tradition?" Phil then asked and looked at them "Well, ever since our Ancestors were still alive, they used to find kids around your kids's age for the future! Like, a set upped marriage!" Ranboo's mom explained. Tommy would barf from that, Ranboo then laughed "Are you saying, that you and your Husband is setting up your kid to mine for the future?" Phil asked, the both then nodded "Do you agree Sir?" Ranboo's dad asked and looked at Phil and back to Tommy 

Phil stayed silent to think and answered..."Well, sure then-". Techno and Wilbur then heard it "YO' TOMMY ALREADY HAVE A BOYFRIEND FOR THE FUTURE!?" They both asked and went to them/ The three nodded. Tommy and Ranboo then looked at each other and stayed silent "I'm glad that our tradition is gonna be saved! Thank you! Ranboo never liked Traditions!" Ranboo's mom added. They soon went to talk about it

Ranboo and Tommy then left, Wilbur and Techno then followed them upstairs. "Tommy! You feel and look sad, are you okay?" Wilbur asked Tommy. "Not to be rude but, I don't want to be with Ranboo in the future!" Tommy answered and looked at Wilbur "Same with me! Were just friends!" Ranboo said as well. "Who are you gonna be with then? Deo? He left Tommy! Accept Phil's decision" Techno told Tommy and sighed and crossed his arms. Wilbur then punched Techno on the arm "Hey! Tommy's uncomfortable with it!" Wilbur told Techno

"Tch!" Techno said and then left to go downstairs "Dad let's leave already!" Said Techno and left the house. "Oh! Well, thank you for everything Mrs. and Mr. Boo! We hope that Tommy and Ranboo to be well in the future!" Phil said in a rush and left. "Tommy!! Wil!! Were going now!!" He yelled before actually leaving. With that, Tommy and Wilbur left


Thank you for reading Chapter 1 of our book! Remember that this is Platonic :] ! Make sure to follow us! iamnotnotmiley and Kid48Mhara99 ! Bye now :D !

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