Chapter 2 - Tubbo? TuBEE!

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 While they were going home..

Techno was still a lil' mad about what happened, why you ask? Since he doesnt like when Tommy or Wilbur or well even strangers! To disobey Phil. They never knew why. Well, enough of that. Tommy was still thinking about the pressure getting put on him. He doesnt really like..the idea.. While Wilbur on the other hand. He always agree's with Techno, but this time. I think he needs to stand up to his lil' brother!

Wilbur then looked at Tommy, Tommy was looking at the abyss, just staring at the ground, "Tommy-!" Wil said and patted Tommy on the head "Y-yes?" Tommy said. Wilbur then carried Tommy to cheer him up. "C'mon lil' guy! Cheer up! Look at the bright side! You dont need to worry on getting hurt by love!" Said Wilbur and forced a smile. Techno then sighed. Tommy forced a laugh and replied "I guess.." Said Tommy. After Wil looked away Tommy went from smiling to frowning

After a lil' while, they finally made it home. "Okay boy's! Are you three still coming to fo see the other new family?" Phil asked as he stepped inside of the house and looked at the three. "I'll go with you Dad" said Techno. "I'll stay..-" Tommy answered and looked at Phil "I'll just watch Tommy Dad!" Wilbur said and put Tommy down. "Okay then, we'll be going now, don't do anything you know that'll hurt Tommy-" Said Phil and left with Techno

Tommy then ran to the couch and buried his face to the pillow "Mmphhh" he mumbled. Wilbur then sat on the floor next to the couch, "I-i said look at the bright side..!" Wilbur told Tommy, "The bright side..!? I am getting forced..-" said Tommy. Wilbur then sighed and let Tommy be. After a while, Phil and Techno came home, they also had Tubbo with them!

"Hey Tom! The new kid wanted to meet you so he came with us!" Phil said and let Tubbo go in. Tubbo immediately ran up to Tommy "Hi new friend!! I'm Tubbo!! You are!?" Tubbo said and asked Tommy. "Im Tommy, nice to meet you Tubbo" Tommy replied, and smiled at Tubbo. Wilbur then stand up and went to his room with Techno, Techno then left as well and followed Wil. "Hey, maybe you and Tubbo can get a long, I'll go prepare lunch" Phil said and went to the Kitchen

"Well, Tommy!—" Tubbo tried to make a conversation, but, Tommy was still..well..not that..energetic still. "—Tommy? Are you okay?" Tubbo asked and looked at Tommy, "I-im fine. Uhm, well what were you going to say?" Tommy replied and asked Tubbo, "Well I was gonna say if you have other friends I can meet!" Said Tubbo and burst out a smile "Oh yeah! I have tons of friends! I met Ranboo today! The new kid as well! Bitzel! Luke! And De...o- Never mind, Deo left but still! You can meet my friends!" Tommy said and went back on smiling, like nothing happened!

The two then started talking about how Tubbo would get along with the others. After a while, Phil finished cooking and called them and ate. Tubbo then after eating, he went back home then. And things started looking back to normal. Well, a little normal! Hey, its better then nothing.

And by growing up, the three were getting closer, Tubbo met Ranboo, and Ranboo really liked his silliness. The three were inseparable! It was hard for Tommy to make friends those days sunce..well the tradition for the Boo Family..- And then Senior High came. And so does Deo.. It was Monday in the morning, first day at school for Senior High. Tommy was getting ready. When..someone came knocking at the door

Techno was the one who opened it. And in surprise it was Deo! Techno then completely closed the door on him. "Techno who was that?" Wil asked Techno while looking for the keys "no one important" Techno answered "And I have the key's lets go. Tommy hurry up!!" Said Techno and went to open the door. And Deo was still there "Please I just went here to pick up Tom-" Deo said, Techno then walked pass him and ready the car. Wilbur then came out as well "Tom there..?" Deo asked "Yep" Wilbur answered and went inside the car. Then Tommy came, "Guys I fvckin' h—" Tommy spoke and then saw Deo "—ate mon...deo!? What the fvck!?" Tommy was shocked to see Deo again

"Hi my Sunshine! I noticed that were going to the same school- Im here to pick you up-" Deo replied and smiled at Tommy lightly "We have a car, just..come-" Tommy said and grabbed Deo's hand and went inside rhe car, as soon as they enerered. "You aren't mad at me?-" Deo asked Tommy and sat next to Tommy "Uh, no? Why am I gonna be fvckin' mad!?" Tommy answered. Deo sighed from relief and smiled "I'm glad we both didnt broke the promise.." Said Deo and looked at Tommy

"I- about that. Uh, I kinda got arrange with uh..Ranboo! And you dont know him! H-heh..! Sorry..?" Tommy replied nervously to Deo, Deo then went ailent for a second and spoke "Oh okay, I am hoping on meeting that guy-" Deo replied and looked outside the window. Tommy then chuckled and said "Y-yeah.."

About half a hour, they finally made it to Senior High. So they went out the car and went inside the School. Techno and Wil left to go rush to theur class while Deo stayed with Tommy since they were in the same class. While they were walking, they saw Ranboo getting bullied and Tubbo defending him. Tommy quickly rushed to Ranboo and Tubbo when some stopped him. "Nu-uh Tommy! C'mon, let's warm up for Senior High!" Said someone in blue and brown hair. He seems to know Tommy..-

"George!? B!tch those are my friends!! Why wont you fvcking losers go back to class like fvckin Wil and Techno!" Tommy replied and yelled at 'George'. "Oh bu-hoo, your friends are feting bullied, nyeh nyeh- Tommy just leave, your lucky that were friends" Someone with a black bandana told Tommy and just pulled him away. Tommy heard "Your a fvckin' monster Enderman Boy! Heh!" from someone wearing a green hoodie with a smiley face on it

"B!tch go beat aomeone your own size Dream!" Tubbo yelled at 'Dream' and pushed him away. "Tommy are you okay!?" Deo went to Tommy, "Im fine but my friends aren't!" Said Tommy and went back as Deo followed them. Tommy then pushed Dream away "Dream get your fvcking @ss away from my friends you @ssh0le!!" Tommy yelled at Dream, "Tommy get the fvck away!" Dream yelled back. Deo then pushed Dream "You get the fvck away from my sunshine!" Said Deo.

The Principal then came "What the fvck is all this commotion!?" Asked the Principal as they came to them "U-uh Scott! We were just uhm..!" George tried explaining words, but couldn't but someone in a white hoodie and blonde hair came "Nothing Scott, they were just playing roughly in the halls, like usual" Said the blonde guy. "Mhm..okay Punz..go back to your rooms!" Scott told everyone. So with that they all went to their rooms


Thank you for reading Chapter 2 of our book! Remember that this is Platonic :] ! Make sure to follow us! iamnotnotmiley and Kid48Mhara99 ! Bye now :D !

Tommy Pick One - A Tuboodeoledinnit Story (PLATONIC)Where stories live. Discover now