Chapter 6 - Locked

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The two were silent, Tommy then decided to speak "Tub-" Tommy called Tubbo and looked at him as he stand up and went to sit next to him "Don't talk to me..-" Tubbo replied and acoided eye contact with Tommy, Tommy then sighed "You know I didn't meant it—" Tommy said as Tubbo spoke "Didn't meant it!? You literally yelled at Ranboo!! And you let it happened..!! What do you mean!? You like—broke up with Ranboo!?" Tubbo yelled at Tommy as studen pass by the room and ignored them. "WE WERE NEVER TOGETHER AT THE FIRST PLACE" Tommy yelled back at Tubbo

"And all this time I held that!? Why didn't you said anything!?" Tubbo elled and wanted to understand, he wants to ell..more though, "Held what!? Toby tell me!!" Ommy yelled and asked as Tubbo yelped "...!-" "Toby tell me!!" Tommy yelled and looked at Tubbo "I–Tommy your a real good friend, okay? Don't take it seriously..! You were just my childhood crush, b-but not anymore of course..!!" Tubbo answered and started going deep then went back and chuckled to cover up the topic "It was just a childhood crush. Gay. Its fine, it isn't hard anymore, I'm not your childhood crush anymore, now, lets open this door" Tommy said and smiled lightly as he stand up and went to te door

"PURPLED YOU FVCKING B!TCH OPEN THE DOOR—" Tommy yelled across the hall. Purpled then heard and quickly went to them and opened the door "That was quick" Deo said as he entered the room with them. "Yeah- are you guys good now?" Eryn added and asked as he looked at the two "Yeah, Tubbo just needed to let feelings out, of me being his childhood crush" Tommy answered and shrugged "Ah-" Purpled said and nodded "...-" Ranboo and Deo was silent on what Tommy just said. "Anyways, I think we should go to class now–" Tubbo added and immediately left the classroom

The others then followed, Tubbo then went to the bathroom while the ohers just went ahead. He looked at himself at the mirror "Just a childhood crush Tubbo!! You were stupid that time–! D-don't..feel jealous..! You don't want to ruin the only friendship ypu have.." Tubbo said to himself while looking at the mirror and started earing up. "J..jus a childhood crush.. Y-you don't like him anymore..-! R..right?.." Tubbo said as he started tearing up. "T-this is why no one always stays with you..!! Even..your family.. J-jschlatt just took you in..your pobably messing up his grades.." Tubbo added and looked down as his tears started falling

[ Lemon48's note : Jschlatt saw Tubbo in a box near the streets, he was currently still in school. 1 year older than Teachno and Wilbur. He was the first school president when he stepped down to take care of Tubbo ]

He then started breaking down as he sat on the floor crying "S-stop crying!! Keep calm..keep your pathetic emotions always..!" Tubbo said and started standing up. He looked back at the window "Tch, you look like a mess again" He added and took out a tissue from the tissue box next to the sink. He then wiped the ears off his face and threw the tissue in the trash and left the bathroom. He then noticed that he was 3 minutes left for class. So he ran to the classroom. "Sorry I'm late Sir!" Tubbo yelled and went to his sit and put his bag down, he then took a quick breathe and started listening in class

They noticed how Tubbo changed his face—from awkwardly sad to being happy again—so they asked "Are you okay?" to Tubbo "Pfft, I'm totally fine! I was just a lil' bit late but its fine..!" Tubbo answered and looked at them smiling. "Hm..if you say so.." Deo said and looked back at the blackboard. 

Timeskip - After the School Period

Tommy then learned his lesson—just ride with Ranboo to go back home—like Purpled always did, he waited for Punz. While Deo took a ride back home, Tubbo never get to walk home with Schlatt since his always late from school. Butthis time, Tubbo decided to wait for him. He just wanted at least a little bit time with his dad. Since, Tubbo would be asleep at the time Schlatt would be home. After a while, Schla finally came "Tubbo? Why are you still here? Aren't you suppose to be home by now?" Schlatt saw Tubbo and went to him as he asked the questions "Uh, I wanted to wait for you. And uh–talk about things" Tubbo ansered and smiled ligtly

"What is it my little ball of Chaos?" Schlatt asked and started walking home, as Tubbo followed him. "Me and Tommy had a fight- and it made me think. And well you knew he was my childhood crush. And now he knows. You don't really think I'm still—y'know—" Tubbo answered as he walked by Schlatt's side. "Kid, its up to you for you to know. Not me, I mean, I dont care—as long as you get what you want..- Plus, isn't he with uh..Ranboo?" He replied and asled Tubbo as he crossed the street. "Y-yeah! And I have this feeling of—anger or–something. But I hide it away" Tubbo answered and ran to him trying not to get hit my a car. "Jealousy..-" Shclatt added and looked around and went left "I—noooo, I am not" Tubbo replied and chuckled, well, obviously he is jealous. He just don't want to show it

"And why are we going this way? Home is that way—" Tubbo asked as Schlatt spoke "I'm gonna take a quick drink" Schlatt answered. "Eww, is that why you smell every night-!?" He added and asked as he looked at Schlatt "How dare—but, eh, yeah" Said Schlatt and shrugged as he went inside a bar near a dark Alleyway. Tubbo entered as well- "Now, continue what you were sayin' " Said Schlatt as he sat at a chair near the counter "Eah- I mean, I'm not jealous—I'm proud of t-them—" Tubbo contined as he also sat next to Schlatt "Huh, you sure about that? One beer please—and a small shot for the kid, you want a cocktail or a shot?" Schlatt replied and asked Tubbo "Uh- I never had one—you pick-" Said Tubbo and chuckled at Schlatt "A small shot it is-" Schlatt said and told the Waiter as the Waiter did their orders

"Like I'm saying, I am happy for them—" Tubbo added and faked a smile "You said proud not happy kid" Schlatt said and looked at Tubbo "Just say it, our jealous" Schlatt added and grabbed thei orders and gave Tubbo's. Tubbo hen took a quick drink "I'm not jealous..! Their my friends, and I should support them" Tubbo said as he put the glass down. Schlatt took a quick drink "Kid, they said they were forced, it isn't sure if they do like each other" Schlatt added as he toom a drink again. "Gh- Fine, I—i'm jealous. Overall, what you said was also true, but they were together since nine I think, they might've fall" Tubbo replied and drinked. "If you say so-" Schlatt replied and shrugged. "Lets go now- You had your quick drink" Tubbo said and stand up as he started wearing his jacket. "Fine kiddo, but Im takin' my drink with me" Schlatt replied and stood up and left

Tubbo then was the one who paid since Schlatt forgot. While walking home, Schlatt got drunk, so Tubbo needed to help him walk. After a while Tubbo and him made it back home. Tubbo put Schlatt on the couch and let him be as he went upstairs and changed as he sleep

                                                      - TO BE CONTINUED -

Thank you for reading Chapter 6 of our book! Remember that this is Platonic :] ! Make sure to follow us! iamnotnotmiley and Kid48Mhara99 ! 

Oh btw! Quick note about Jschlatt:] ! He adopted Tubbo when he saw him from the streets and took him in. His original plan was to find Tubbo's parents but when he tried to do it Tubbo would cry. He was really clingy, so Schlatt just took him in :] He tried to be a good Father though! That's all, bye now :D !

Tommy Pick One - A Tuboodeoledinnit Story (PLATONIC)Where stories live. Discover now