Chapter 9 - Stop the Act

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Tommy woke up as the Butlers woke them up from opening the curtains "Sir's, wake up. It is 6:30am now" said the Butler. Ranboo then wagged his tail "Okay.." Ranboo added and stand up as he went to Tommy and woke hip up "Tom wake up" he shaked Tommy as he said "Boo..5 more minutes.." Tommy replied and snored. Ranboo then grabbed him "Noo, were going to be late Tom-!!" Ranboo slightly yelled. Tommy then woke up and let go of Ranboo "Fine.." He said and went downstairs with Ranboo

Timeskip — After they got ready | Inside the car

"So uhm, Tom—" Ranboo started up a conversation. His parents weren't with them since they have places to go to "Yeah?" Tommy looked at Ranboo and asked Ranboo "I— was last night– can I say this.." Ranboo couldn't formed words as he wanted to ask Tommy about last night "Last night? What about it?" Tommy asked as he leaned his back on the cars chair "Was it all a— act?.." Ranboo asked as he looked at Tommy, "Uh-yes? I mean all of this, is a act.." Tommy answered and chuckled lightly "Were just friends". "..Tommy, how long do we do this?" Ranboo asked as Tommy went silent

"I—..don't know" Tommy answered with no words in his thoughts "Tommy, if this is just a whole act. We should end it, we might—get hurt.." Ranboo replied and looked away "...Ranboo..what are you saying.." Tommy asked and looked at Ranboo as he sat next to him "...Tommy, we need to stop, I don't want to get hurt" Ranboo added and looked at Tommy like he got stabbed in the him "What—do you mean..? Ranboo please be specific..!" Tommy asked and suggested "Tommy I— I am falling for you!! Okay!? Stop the Act and drop it!! We don't need to do this for how long if we don't like each other..!! We can tell my parents we—don't like each other!! Just—just stop..!!" Ranboo yelled and looked at Tommy madly

"Ranboo you could've said so!! If you liked me then why didn't you just it!? If you said it then I could've stopped acting and actually started liking you!!" Tommy yelled back at Ranboo to respond "How would I tell you when I know you don't like me!?" Ranboo asked as he started tearing up. His tears would hit his skin while falling "O-ow..!" Ranboo started getting hurt. Tommy then wiped his tears off "Shhh— I'm so sorry, please don't cry!! Your gonna get hurt!! W-we can try to actually start of like this okay..? We—I can learn to love you as well..okay?.." Tommy told Ranboo as he wiped Ranboo's tears off him

"..Please, I don't want to force you Tom.." Ranboo replied as he hold Tommy's hand and let Tommy go of him. "..-" Tommy watched as Ranboo let go of his hands from his face, Tommy then cried and kissed him "You were my first and last kiss..please Ranboo..-" Tommy said as he continued to cry "Tom—this..isn't gonna work..I'm gonna call mom and..tell her we broke up, okay?.." Ranboo said as he grabbed his phone and called his mom. As Tommy..let him be.. "Hello sweetie?" Ranboo's mom picked up and asked "Mom—me and Tommy..- broke up.........." He said as his mom went silent. "Was it because of last night? Awww..I'm so sorry my baby boo.." Ranboo's mom said. Tommy uust sat there. Feeling guilty "Its okay mom...yeah...thanks you.." Ranboo said and replied to his mom and hanged up

"..." Tommy stared as he continued to cry "Young Masters..were here" The Driver said. Tommy immediately ran out of the cry and to the classroomas he shoved his face on the desk crying. And yes..the others was still there. "Sunshine!! Are you okay!?" Deo stand up from his seat and ask Tommy as he went to him "FVCK NO- ME AND RANBOO BROKE UP. I—" Tommy answered and cried as he didn't want to show his face "What!?" Tubbo yelled and ran to Tommy "I— where is he" Deo said and asked. "On his way here.." Tommy answered and wiped his tears off, still refusing to show his face. Purpled then patted him on the back

As Ranboo stepped inside the classroom Deo immediately punched him on the face "FVCK YOU FOR EVEN SHOWING YOUR FACE HERE" Deo yelled at Ranboo as Ranboo fell, his face was in so much pain, as much as his heart.. "D-deo!!" Tubbo yelled and ran up to them "You didn't need to do that!!" Tubbo yelled as he blocked Ranboo. "I needed to!! LOOK AT TOMMY TUBBO. DOES HE LOOKS HAPPY!? HE IS CRYING. AND HIM CRYING, IS THE WORST THING POSSIBLE TO HAPPEN" Deo replied and yelled at him. "ITS WORSE THAT RANBOO GET SENT TO THE CLINIC BECAUSE OF YOU" Tubbo yelled back as Ranboo just watched them.. "Guys shut the fvck up!! You guys know what's worst!? Making your friend feel guilty and bad!! So fvcking stop! Okay!?" Said Purpled as he moved seats next to Tommy to comfort him. The three was silent, as Deo looked back at Ranboo "Next time this happens, you'll be straight up fvcking dead.." Deo said and went back to his sit. Ranboo then just stood up and went to sit, as well as Tubbo

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2022 ⏰

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