ENG - The Lost Boys

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Note : Inspired by the song Hold On Till May by Pierce the Veil. Potentially Triggering, self indulgent - SELF HARM IMPLIED

Swinging my legs, I was looking far away. Sitting in a tree, looking at the sun going down, wondering if someone would find me. If someone cared enough, had noticed I was missing. But it had been an hour...

Opening my walkman, I turned the tape and pressed play, sighting as the music started again. Too many thoughts, and nothing to turn them off. Maybe jumping... I shook my head, and got lost looking at the horizon again. I couldn't stand looking at my arms, so I pulled down the sleeves of my hoodie. I couldn't let it happen again, after so many months of being clean. Maybe Mickey... No, he must have joined the boys on the boardwalk by now. The sun was set, they could go out safely.

I got lost in the music and closed my eyes. I had to be careful to not fall asleep, as it could lead me to fall and get hurt. As I focused on a familiar riff, I let the outside world fade away., staying focused on the inner world of my psychée.

I got called back to the world by a voice that I knew too much, for its owner would never stop rambling. As I opened my eyes, they met ocean blue ones.

"Cece! Was looking for you! What are you doing up there?" Paul was floating, his face a few inches away from mine.

"Nothing much, pretty boy. Was just thinking."

As if I was made of glass, Paul carefully took me in his arms and floated to the floor, where the boys and my brother were waiting for me.

Maybe I was wrong, I had people caring enough to look for me after all... 

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