EN: Demetri Volturi - Love and bubble bath

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A soft Demetri x gn! reader :3 441 words

« Demetri! »  Your eyes were shining bright as you threw yourself at him

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« Demetri! » Your eyes were shining bright as you threw yourself at him. You squealed in delight as he held you tight against him, oh how much he had missed you during this mission! It was hard for him to leave his human darling behind. But hopefully you were to be turned oh so soon, but it was not enough for Demetri's peace of mind. But for now, your small and warm frame pressed against his body eased his anxiety.

Whispering your name like a prayer, he kissed your temple lovingly. Letting you go, he took your smaller hand in his, and led you to his quarters, that you had been sharing with him since you had moved in the castle for him. He had already debriefed about his mission to the kings, so he had free time until the next day.

You had not showered yet, so when your Metri asked if you wanted to take a bath with him you happily agreed. He led you to your shared luxurious bathroom. Demetri stripped down as you ran the bath, adding soft smelling lavender bubble bath in the warm water. You stripped down too, and Metri carried you into the bathtub, sitting you between his legs, kissing the crown of your head.

You laid there for a while, enjoying the relaxing smell of lavender, the hot water warming up your mate's body. Your vampire lover was relaxed, enjoying the comfort of your warm human body.

After a while you turned to your vampire love, and gently washed his hair. It was funny to see Demetri all putty in your hands. Your beloved completely at your mercy was enjoying every bit of love that you would give him.

Once you were done, your adored washed lovingly your hair, enjoying the fact that he was taking care of you. It wasn't the first time you were nude before the other, but this time it felt more intimate, more serene, peaceful. It was just a soft moment between the two of you, to just take pleasure in the other's presence.

After the hair, you moved to wash each other's body before rinsing the bubbles away. Wrapped in purple towels, Demetri carefully dried your hair and helped with your nightly hair routine. Fully dried, you both put on comfortable clothing before Demetri carried you in a swift movement to your shared bed, wrapping you in a knitted blanket to be sure you would not get cold. Then, he tucked you into his side, resting his chin at the top of your head. That's how you fell asleep, safe and secure in your mate's embrace.

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