A Cold Night Alone

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(This is my first story so please leave criticism where you see fit!)
((They will also have human heads to make this a bit more convenient))

    Randy was returning to his dumpster right behind Bunny's Burgers. It had been raining a lot and the sky seemed darker than usual. A lot more people would be home at this time, which for our pal Randy, meant more explicit calls.

    Randy opened his dumpster with a creek and hopped inside, narrowly missing the possum that decided to live with him.

    "God why didn't I take him up on that offer?" He shivered, hugging his disheveled jean jacket that was too big. Most people just assumed he didn't have enough money to get one that fit, and they were right, but he wasn't too upset by that. In fact, it was one of the best things that could have occurred.

    Though even the insulated fabric couldn't dry him off or keep him warm. He could feel himself shivering, hell, he could hear it too.

"Hey, maybe I'll get hypothermia? They won't even have to bury me, hell if they even notice me." He chucked, relieved that no one was around to hear him. God how he hated their pity.

    "Randy? Was that you talking?" Oliver? Oh shit.
    "Uhm. Uh no" He stilled, or at least as much as could with the shivering and all. An instinctual urge to hide from Oliver became very present.

    "Randy, man,  I know it's you, no one else lives in dumpsters, especially not a dumpster with audible whimpering." His tone went from serious to joking, and settled at... sad? That couldn't be right.

    "I- okay yeah it's me. Wait. Aren't you cold out there? Go back to your apartment, I'll be fine." My voice was too high pitched and wavering for my preference, but my worries were on Oliver at the moment.

     "Dude I should be the one asking you that, with this gnarly storm going on!" Yep, concern gone, Oliver's back.
    "Storm? It's uh; it's barely raining. Yep!" God, how much worse could I screw this up?
    "Randy I- I just. Can I come in?" Oliver's voice was different. Way more serious than normal. Hearing him like this scared me, so I said yes, barely loud enough for the shorter man to hear.

    Oliver hopped in, landing softly with a squelch from the soaked trash beneath him. I fought to keep his head down, as looking at Oliver after he had used that tone was too scary for me to handle.

    "Randy? You know I said you could come over tonight, right?" I flinched lightly before relaxing at the new tone.

    "I- yeah. I just didn't want to bother you any more than I had today." A warm hand rested on my knee, making the shaking slow down slightly. Oliver's hand.

     "Randy. You don't bother me. Hell, if you didn't talk to me at the cinema every once in a while, I think I would've gone insane a long time ago. Plus, it's cold outside. Like really cold. And while your jacket is wicked cool, I doubt it's helping much." With the sudden touch and the small speech, I froze up, shuddering slowing to a tremble. After a good minute of silence, Oliver spoke up again.

    "Okay, here's a deal. You can either come back with me to my warm apartment, or I'll stay here and make sure you don't turn into a popsicle."
    "Why would you willingly stay here?"
    "Well why would you?" I shut up after that one and finally looked at him. His flannel was soaked through, and his blond hair stuck to his forehead, uncovering his brown eyes and the way his head tilted so his good eye was facing me better.

    "Randy..." Oliver's fingers were cold as they swept away tears I didn't even know were there. "Please come to my apartment, at least while the storm's going on." Oliver's voice was barely audible from the assault of raindrops hitting the top of my dumpster.
    "I." I cut myself off, not wanting to expose Oliver to my pathetic voice anymore and just nodded.

    With a small smile, the hand that was on my knee reached out in an offer. I rested my hand on top, trying to avoid touching him with the soaked bandages. Oliver hopped out and practically lifted me, letting my feet land softly in a puddle. Hand in shaking hand, the two boys made way for the apartment buildings.

Sorry it was so short! I don't really know what I'm doing yet! Part two will be out as soon as I get a chance to edit it!!

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