Movie! [8]

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Randy's POV

Oliver dragged me along by my right hand, moving into the park to find his filming spot. We're connected enough so that Oliver would notice if I started falling behind. The town went by fast, all blurred together to make a panorama.

My legs still ache from the swan chase and everything, but seeing Oliver this happy makes it seem like nothing, makes the pain feel pleasant in a way.

"We're here!" This part of the park was devoid of water, and beautiful flowers bloomed under trees. Bugs still milled about, but there was little threat compared to that of swans. I leaned on a tree to catch my breath for a bit and looked to Oliver. He was watching my reaction with barely contained excitement, swaying back and forth like the trees."I found this place like 2 weeks ago! Look! It's perfect for filming!" He's so happy.

    "Are you sure no swans can get over here?" Even though we're next to the forest, and no water is in sight, swans are never to be doubted.

    "We're far away from water, plus if one appears I'll just punch it or something." Okay so he didn't think of swans, but his confidence is entertaining.
    The box titled 'Props?' was closest to me so I shuffled through it as Oliver got the camera set up. The box has various items and outfits that didn't match in the slightest; a monocle sat atop stuffed animals and fake weapons. A destroyed book and movie case that probably isn't supposed to be there decorated the edges.

    "You think this angle works?" Oliver called over the camera which was now facing the opening between the trees and flowers, and straight at me. camera an eye. Before I could hide my face or move away, the camera snapped a picture and his laugh filled the clearing.

   I turned away from the camera's line of vision, burying my face into bandages. We're probably supposed to be filming by now, but Oliver seems to be having fun. Like he was summoned, I felt arms around my torso, holding me.

    I reopened my eyes and saw Oliver's fac moments from mine, I looked him dead in his eyes for a moment before he kissed me. This shit was like a show, with flowers around us and Oliver in front of me. But, like a show, the filming must go on.
     "Uhm- Movie??" I pulled away just enough to say that, faces still close together. We still had a movie to film, and not that long to film it, despite how lovely this is.

    His eyebrows shot up. "Oh! I'd forgotten!" He sprung up and lent me his hand. Grabbing some papers that I assume is the script, he passed the one for 'Ray' to me. Awfully close name. There are more names than one that start with 'R', Randy. 'Ray' was a ... philosopher? From nothing? I can relate, I guess.

    It had few lines and even fewer stage directions, the most extravagant being a handshake with 'Oli". Okay, that's a little on the nose.
     Oliver and Randy ran through the script multiple times, and eventually, a rhythm took place and Randy only needed help with one or two of his lines. Oliver, on the other hand, switched characters quickly and with ease, entrancing Randy. Who was watching Oliver in his true element doing something he loves, somehow relaxed and excited at the same time.
    "Okay! I think we've got a good take!" That was one take? We've been here for a while. What if someone saw us like this, repeating the same words and acting like idiots in public? It's not like we're suddenly hidden just cause we moved further into the park. Anyone can see us, anyone can see Oliver with the guy who lives in a dumpster. Who used to. Whatever, as if it makes a difference. Maybe I just need a break or something.

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