A Much-Needed Break [3]

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(Oliver's Pov this time because I want to type groovy more)
TW: Blood, slight gore, panic attack.

The sky was calm, the rain finally cleared, leaving stagnant puddles across Dialtown. I awoke from my dream, and upon remembering who was in my arms, held him tighter. Randy was calmer than usual, muttering through whatever dream he was having. All I could do was stare at his face, trying to remember every detail. Usually, he faced down or away from me.

"Adorable." my voice was as quiet as I could get it. He seemed to like his hair being played with, even through sleep he leaned into my hand. I was always too hot while sleeping, but after being cold all of yesterday, the heat from another person was welcomed.

From what I know about his schedule, he has off from the dreaded swan battling. He hadn't gotten a call from the Hotline, at least since I've been with him. There was no way getting up wouldn't wake him, so I took to studying his hands. His bandages were familiar, but they were yellowed around the edges and the bloodstains had crusted over to dark red, almost black. Poor boy. Sweet boy. Why didn't I bring him over before? He had to live through all that.

With the arm resting across his shoulder, I retrieved my phone and mindlessly scrolled, feeling the rise and fall of his breath. Only turning the phone off to look at Randy in my oversized hoodie. My face heated up with every glance.
"Oliver?" I was zoned out, I realized with a start, shifting my eyes away from his face. He had a definite morning voice that seemed to boom enough to shake my ribs.

"I Uhm. Good morning? Good evening?" how long has he been awake?
Randy shuffled under me, stretching. Then he just laid there, I didn't move; hoping he felt comfortable enough to stay. "What day is it? Is it still Friday?" Double-checking my phone, I replied.

"Saturday, hon." fuck. That was the second time I slipped up on the nickname.
"Can we uhh, get up?" his voice returned from his morning one, the slight waver returning. I moved my arms and hand out of his hair and over his shoulder, he stood up, then seemed to realize that there was nowhere to go and sat back down.

"Do you uh, want some coffee?" I sat up next to him, craving his presence. Am I being too clingy?
"I don't drink coffee."
"What? How do you operate man?"
"I, I can't afford it." oh.
"Do you want to try some?" I dared to lean into him. What does he think of me?
"No, I'd rather not add to my anxiousness, thanks." Randy chuckled before looking back down. What he said yesterday. Did he really wish hypothermia had gotten him? Concern welled in my chest, aching, hurting even. He's calm now, Oliver. Let him relax. Maybe you can even convince him to stay.

We sat close to each other, still waking up. Before I could think properly, I rested my hand on top of Randy's, the rough texture of his bandages only spreading the aching feeling. I have to do something. I can't just sit here like this.

"Oliver? You good?" I guess my fingers had been tapping his hand. A bad habit I've developed when I can't possibly sit still through something.
"Yep! Groovy! Actually can you wait there for a second? I've got to get something." Turning on my usual dialect like a switch, I stood and sprinted to the medicine cabinet. I think I still have some bandages left.

After knocking several things out I finally found the unused roll of bandages I bought when I first moved in. Really, I had no idea what my thought processes was to getting them, since I live an incredibly tame lifestyle, but was still thankful to my past self. When I returned, Randy was still sitting on the bed, but turned so he could get a better view out the window. The sunlight hit his messy hair in an odd way, making it look like pure fluff.

"Hey man," I started, then brought my tone down at his jump. "I got some bandages?" Please accept the offer. Please know you're worth something.
"Oh. No, it's quite alright, I'm fine with these." His hand went to his lap where Oliver couldn't see them. Fuck.
"Randy. They're yellow, at least let me take them off? You're not going anywhere today, right?" I stepped closer and sat on the floor next to him, awaiting his hand. The aching had spread to my elbows at this point. I couldn't bear to see him like this any longer.

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