Together. [6]

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TW: Blood and Gore. (Also self-blame plus the author projecting just a little bit too much)

                               Randy's POV

I and Karen were still walking around, it was calming. It was also almost night. We had circled town and back to the start of the park. I still felt anxious entering it, scared that a swan was going to appear at any point, listening to every sound in case a swan was near.
Maybe the swans were asleep? It had been a while. But due to sleeping for basically the past three days, I wasn't tired yet.
     *S W A N  N O I S E S*
Oh, fucking speak of the devil.
     "Randy?" Karen called after me, but I was already running. I've been around swans for long enough to know that when they smell fear or desperation, they never stop till they catch their victim. Not prey. Victim, this isn't hunting, at this point, they could be tried for murder.

     I ran in the general direction of town, not to my dumpster, the swans know where I live. Instead, I was going I Oliver's. Oliver's apartment is further out, but every other place is closed, so I kept running, trying to keep my hands out of swan-shredding range. I hope he doesn't mind.

    Apparently not far enough away. I heard the definite sound of their shredders before I felt my fingers get caught in it. Excruciating pain went through my left hand as I lifted it like I could shake the swan off. I tried to manually pull my fingers out, but found my other hand was getting too close for comfort. I stepped on the swan and ripped my hand out, showering the pavement with blood. I think I screamed? I couldn't tell. There was enough adrenaline coursing through me to take out a lion I bet.

    I was halfway to his apartment, I think. But the swan has tasted blood. I stumbled on my shoelaces again, falling in a puddle right under a streetlight. Oh, fuck oh God. I could hear it getting closer. Why don't those things ever quit? I crawled to my feet and started running again, barely avoiding the swan's attempt to get my ankle. Oliver's hoodie. I looked down and realized that I was getting blood on it. Fuck. Why can't I do anything right?

    I kept my legs pumping, hearing my heartbeat in my ears getting louder. Before I knew it, I was at Oliver's apartment building. Running up the stairs, I pushed his door open, leaving a handprint on it and hurting my hand some more.

                          Oliver's pov time
    Still reading my book, I heard some clambering from the apartment building. The beanie was uncomfortable, so I removed it right after Gingi left.
What on earth- the sound seemed to get closer. It was probably just Randy. But why would he be running? Fearing the worst, I put my book down and approached the door, about to open it as he fell through.

    "Oh fuck!" Randy's hand was bleeding and he looked out of breath. Without a second thought, I hugged him, closing the door. What the hell happened out there?!

Randy wrapped his right arm around me, mumbling something I couldn't make out. His left hand looked like it got caught in a swan's shredder.
"Shh. Hey man, it's okay." I double-checked that the door was closed and continued to attempt to comfort him. I ended up just repeating that phrase and hoping it would work despite the shake in my voice. I had tears in my eyes, but he didn't seem to notice.

Randy wanted to tell him that it happens all the time, but remembering what Karen told him, decided that he didn't wanna worry Oliver.

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