Oliver's Apartment [2]

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    [Next Chapter will be in Oliver's POV I promise]
    Randy was hesitant to enter the apartment, he halted a split second before crossing the
Oliver's apartment was... it was warm, not just temperature-wise, but it welcomed him as Oliver had. Most of the furniture was a warm color, and the lamp used in the absence of a ceiling light splashed yellow light across the place. It smelled like cheap cologne and strawberry air freshener. It smelled like Oliver.

    "Well, you can uhh, make yourself at home!" The blond man had already removed his flannel, and was waking to what I could only assume was his room. I was tempted to run back to my dumpster, but considering his efforts to bring me here, he would probably just find me again.

    I peeled off my jacket, trying my best to keep it from dripping everywhere
    "Oh, you can just put that in the basket, I'll take care of it" Oliver reappeared with a laundry basket and a black v-neck shirt on, it was tighter than his previous one, I noticed with a slight blush. I dropped my jacket next to his soaked through clothes.

    "Here, think fast" Oliver threw a big hoodie and sweatpants at me, hitting me square in the face and staying there until I picked them up. "Oooh sorry. You can uh, change in my room" due to the small apartment, it was either this, the living room, or the tiny bathroom right to the left of them. I nodded at him and shuffled over.

    After changing into Oliver's clothes-which definitely smelled like him- and putting the rest of mine in the basket. I looked around his room. It wasn't that big, but posters for movies and music artists seemed infinite, the only square of bare white wall was mostly occupied by a clock. Oliver had a king bed with maroon red bedsheets. Doesn't he live alone? My face turned even more red upon seeing a ... calendar of men that left little to the imagination. After realizing that I was invading his privacy, I returned to the living room.
    Oliver was waiting on the orange couch for me. He looked at me with a blush? Maybe the temperature change caused that. It HAD to be the temperature change. Right?

    "Hey man, any warmer?" The short man patted the cushion next to him. Wait. He wants me to sit next to him?
    "U- yeah. I mean yes, I'm warmer." Fuck. Why can't I talk properly?
    "Come here, I've got a blanket, Rad-ny" I froze at the nickname before I realized that this was a once-in-a-lifetime experience for me and sat next to him. Next to Oliver.
    An arm gently fell across my shoulder, moving slow enough to not spook me. My head snapped to Oliver in confusion, but I dared not speak. "You good man?" I blinked out of my haze and looked down between us.

    "Oh. Yeah, just getting used to uhh, everything?" Technically it was true, I was getting used to someone talking to me, not to mention inviting me over and giving me their clothes.
    "Groovy. What type of movies do you like?"
    "Oh, I'm fine with whatever." I know nothing about movies.

    "Whatever it shall be!" Oliver threw a blanket over me and him, moving closer and hitting play on the movie he was hovering on.
He's sitting this close to me? My thoughts sped up. He's sharing a blanket with me? He asked which movie I wanted to watch?

    "Randy?" I looked at him again, no doubt my eyes were watering now "You sure you're okay?" I couldn't help it, I put my head in my hands and cried, why are you being so nice to me? That was all I wanted to say, but if I tried to use my voice all he would only hear whimpers.

    His second hand wrapped around my chest, and he moved closer. I could feel his warmth. It was so warm here. So, so warm. "I'm sorry" my statement was broken by a crack in my voice, but he didn't pull away. Why didn't he pull away?

    "Randy. Hun. Look at me." Oliver's voice was so quiet, I could feel his breath on my ear. Letting my arms go limp, I tilted my head to the side, my vision occupied fully by his close face. I could count his freckles. "Don't apologize. I'm the one who invited you over. You're perfectly fine." He held me tighter. "If you want, you can tell me what's on your mind, but there's no way in hell I'm letting you freeze out there." A pause. "Actually, stay? I've seen what happens out there. I don't have two beds, but maybe we could ... umm, sleep in the same bed?"

    I was still crying. This was so weird. This isn't how my life goes; usually, I would be talking to horny strangers over the phone at this hour. But instead, Oliver was talking to me. In-person. In his apartment. Seeing as how I wouldn't stop crying any time soon, I just leaned into him and hoped he would accept that as an answer.

    Whatever movie he put on had been forgotten, as Oliver wiped away the tired boy's tears, still holding on to him. Tomorrow was Saturday, meaning both of them would hopefully have the day off.
    Randy had drifted off to sleep, leaving Oliver to silently run his fingers through Randy's hair, trying to find sleep even though he knows it was near impossible for him. Gently, he lifted the tall man, walked carefully to his room, moved  back the covers, and tucked him in.   

    Oliver simply looked at him for a second before joining him and wrapping one arm around his shoulder and tangling the other in his hair. Randy moved a bit before nuzzling into his chest. The rain had slowed and was relaxing. And for once, Oliver Swift slept calmly.

  [Publishing this in the same night as the first chapter because I can't sleep]
    I won't have a proper schedule for this, but if I go a week without updating it I give everyone reading full permission to spam me with messages. :]

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