Movie? [7]

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Randy's POV

Randy woke up just as he had fallen asleep,
wearing Oliver's flannel and holding him. Not wanting this to end, I moved closer to him, pretending to be asleep. My left hand fell limp to the other side of him, untouched.

"You awake?" Oliver's voice still wasn't tired, but maybe his voice just didn't do that. I remained silent, I didn't want to leave this moment. His arms tightened around me."Yeah, okay." He added quietly.

I opened my eyes just to look at him, but, of course, he was looking down at my face and noticed. This time, his eyes didn't dart away, instead, they remained on me and stayed. God this is nice. I feel like I have to constantly remind my brain that I am holding Oliver and that he is holding me back. I still don't think I understand it fully.

And just like that, my phone rang. Scrambling to my feet, my legs still felt like jelly from all the running. I retrieved my phone and answered the call from my boss.
"Randy. Why weren't you at work yesterday? This is the third time. We can't have this happen anymore." Oh fuck. How did I let myself get so easily distracted?

"Hi sir, I was uh. I was sick." goddamit, what time is it?
"You know I'm not falling for that. Why should I keep you as an employee when you don't even show up?"
"I'll work overtime today."
"No; You'll work overtime for the rest of the week. Bye, Randy."
"I- oka- bye!" I finished the call and looked at my left hand, holding it away from Oliver when I looked back at him. I shouldn't worry him anymore.
"Randy?" I was sitting at the edge of the bed, He moved closer and put his hand on my shoulder. "You can't go back there! Look at your hand man."
"What about it?" My hands have been like this ever since I met him. What's different about it now?

"Bro. They've barely stopped bleeding, you can't go back today." Please don't take pity on me, Oliver.
"It's fine! I can still work fine! Plus how'll we afford anything with just the cinema?"
"I. I'll figure it out. There's no fucking way you're going back to that death trap of a job." His voice had an angry edge like he was mad at the thought of going back there. Hearing this voice was new, it feels like my bonesget heavier with regret at every word. Hell, I was close to being mad at him too. I've had this job for years. What's so different about it now?

After a few moments of silence, his hand disappeared from my shoulder and he got up to get ready for work, I assume. While he was gone, I got my flannel shirt I had on during the storm, now clean. I put it on and lightly draped Oliver's flannel back on my shoulders. I might be somewhat mad, but I still need it for comfort. Pathetic. I put the bloody hoodie in the washer, It still smelled like blood and water.

A little while later, Oliver finished getting ready and sat on the couch. I joined him but sat on the other side until I realized how much I actually needed his presence, and moved back over. Oliver put on some old British sitcom, the title screen flashing with 'Are You Being Served?' ((This is my favorite show! Okay I'll shut up.))
"Mr. Dickens showed me this one." His words were hollow, like he wanted to say more. "It's a bit too British for my taste, but whatever. I'm not done being mad at him, but I guess that could wait, for now. I looked over at him for really the first time today. He still had my jacket on. Remembering Oliver's flannel, I brought it closer to myself and leaned into him. To tell the truth, I didn't want to go to the swan job, but what other options do I have? Do we have?

Oliver put his arm around me. "Hey, Randy?"
"Do you want to uh." He swept his fingers through his hair even though it was already in place. "You want to film a movie?"

I can't even remember what day it is, I don't even know how to turn on a computer? What makes him think I can film a movie? "Uhh, I think you're asking the wrong person."
"No, it'll be easy! I've already got outfits and everything!" Something seemed to come alive in Oliver, he seemed much more excited talking about movies, like he forgot to be mad for a moment. I couldn't find a spot to interject so I just listened.
When he finally stopped to ask me again, I replied. "Yeah, I'll film the movie." He smiled again and relaxed against me, and we watched the very end of the episode.
I still don't think I should've skipped out on work again, but he seems happy.

While making our way outside, Oliver turned back just enough to see the bloody handprint I left after the swan chase. "I'll just tell the landlord that it's part of my aesthetic, it'll be fine." He leaned his head down and I saw the small patches of scalp. Oliver's hair.
"Hey, uhh. Oliver? Your hair..?" I didn't want to bring any bad thoughts back up, but judging by how he talks about Mr.Dickens, he probably doesn't want him to see.
"Oh, shit." He ran back inside before returning with a beanie on. He nodded at me slightly and we started to walk.
My legs still ached, but Oliver walked at a more casual pace than you would expect. I think I'm more worried that we'll be late than he is. I stepped closer to him, only enough so our hands and shoulders occasionally brushed together. It's like a reminder that he's there. Like actually there.

We got to the cinema and he went to ask Mr. Dickens about the movie while I waited in the lobby. God this place is sticky. Why did I go here so often? Okay, pointless question, it's warm. The lights in my memory were florescent and multi-colored, but the firefly jars hanging from the ceiling in reality made the place seem much darker. I guess my memory had thought of this place as a sanctuary... It's not wrong, I guess. I brought the sides of Oliver's flannel closer when I remembered why I like this place.

Peering around the corner, I saw Mr.Dickens and Oliver talking. The latter's hands had rested in the pockets of my jacket as he spoke to-
Wait. We were both still wearing each other's jackets. My face burned red as I realized how long we had been outside. I had no bridges left to burn, I didn't have any, to begin with, But Oliver might've had friends that saw us. I hope his reputation doesn't get too messed up by being seen with the guy who lived in a dumpster less than a week ago.

     From this angle, I could see his freckles from the side of his face, I could see the way the little amount of golden light left fell on his face, and I could even see the sides of his mouth turn up when he smiled. Pretty.

They finished talking and Oliver walked back, he seems happy.
    "Okay, so I can get time off to film, but we only have 5 days!"
    "Why're you so excited about only having 5 days?" How the hell do you make a movie in 5 days??
    "Because the cinema gets the rights to show a new movie! We'll be the first place to show it! Something about small-town charm or whatever!" Oliver seemed excited about everything. That's good at least. Past Oliver's shoulder was Mr.Dickens, still standing at the doorway of his office. There's no doubt that he's noticed the swapped jackets by now, so whatever. Fuck it, if Oliver doesn't mind, I think I'm alright with anything.

    "C'mon! We've got to start filming!" Oliver took my hand and brought me through the door, excited about filming. I stumbled with him, happy to see him like this.
     I swear, Oliver is a ray of sunshine given human form, nothing else is comparable to how perfect he is.

Cliffhanger time nerds

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