That Happened... Ninjutsu Anyone?

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Shikamaru POV

I stared off in the direction that Naruto and his group had gone. I was dimly aware of several people panicking around me, but it seemed like an unimportant observation.

That growl.... Why do I feel like I've heard it before? And why does that thought make me sad?


Once we were far enough away, everyone surrounds Naruto. He jolts at first, but quickly settles into the group hug.

"I know you are beating yourself up over what just happened, but you have to remember that you were able to stop the situation from getting worse. You stopped it and that's all that matters." My voice is firm yet gentle. Naruto has a bad habit of beating himself up for things.

"She's right. It didn't even have the chance to touch him. All that happened was you made a mistake. An easy mistake to make considering how much strain we're all under." Iruka sounds as soothing as always.

He knows what to say every time.

The others all either nod their agreement or use the bond to express it. Eventually, we get Naruto to smile. It's a small smile, but a small victory is still a victory.

"I could barely look at him too. They're going to notice that something else is up. I know it's the same for the rest of us too... There is an idea that suddenly popped into my head that could help us get our emotions out though..." He looks thoughtful as he trails off.

We all look at each other. "We're listening." Shikaku sounds slightly apprehensive, but it's Naruto.



Shikamaru POV

It's been about a half hour since the break started. I've had to reassure people that I'm fine a couple of times which is troublesome, but I've been left alone mostly. Everyone is having different thoughts about this if their faces are anything to go by. Most of the adults look at least mildly troubled by all this, but that's an appropriate reaction. Out of all of them, Kakashi seems the most troubled.

This whole thing is just a whole troublesome mess. I wonder if Naruto is okay. He was definitely more agitated than anyone else by what happened.

My thoughts only spiral from there, but they don't get too far because the sound of footsteps draws me out of them. Looking up, I see them. This demonstration gets to continue, and maybe it'll give me some answers to why I feel this way.

Ino steps forward from the children of the group who stand in front of the adults. "It's time for the ninjutsu section and then we'll answer some questions. We talked about it, and we decided to tell you that you all can call us the pack when you talk or think about us as a group. For my demonstration I need some people who are willing to get drawn into someone's mind, and someone who doesn't mind having people in their mind."

The Hokage, Kakashi, Chō, Ino's dad, and I stepped forwards. Asuma followed us shortly afterwards. Ino smiled at all of us.

"Now. Does anyone want to volunteer to be the person we are entering the mind of?" The tone makes it sound oddly threatening to me. Which is odd because I've never thought of Ino that way.

"This is all such a drag, but I guess I'll volunteer for that." I don't even try to keep the yawn from my voice as I say this.

I'm pretty sure everyone else here doesn't want anyone in their minds, so it has to be me in this troublesome position.

There's a sudden pulling sensation, and I see Ino speed through some hand signs. The next thing I know, the pulling sensation gets more intense and then I'm standing on a cloud in the sky with more clouds around me. Startled, I look around to see the volunteers around me, so I assume Ino is around as well.

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