March of Time: Naruto

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Naruto POV

The pack and I are gathered in an underground bunker we made. It isn't very well furnished yet, but it is very well hidden. It is mostly for training purposes anyway. We've all gathered in the center of the room. We aren't piling, but we are touching the people around us as we sit in a circle.

"Alright. I know we all were there for it, so I'm only going to do a brief summary. We found White Zetsu in a cave. He was trying to hide from us, but the foxes he took the cave from ratted him out. We can very much confirm that he's dead, and we have his body sealed in a scroll. Any questions?" I keep it brief and light, but my voice is clearly mocking him and joyful that he's dead.

"Why did you open this meeting with that? We were all there." Shikaku seems confused.

"I felt like it was important. Kurama also wasn't awake then, so it was partly for him. Moving on though, Sakura is doing really well. She's almost at the level she was then. More than that, she's working to fix her memory. She has successfully moved to the apartment next to mine. In fact, she bought the whole building and we're currently in the last stages of turning it into a great place for the pack to gather. She's accepted that we'll tell her the full story someday. I'm very proud with her progress." I know I didn't need to add that last sentence because pride drips from my voice in waves.

"Maybe she'll fully be ready after she meets Temari for the first time. I mean, she is mostly right in the head, and last time she was right in the head, she fell for Temari instantly. Just something to think about." Ino pipes up with a soft voice, but we all hear it.

"That's actually a good idea. You gave Temari permission to tell them the truth, so she and Gaara can bond over having lovers who are time travelers." Hinata is as thoughtful as always, and her tone shows it.

"I've also been pranking the gatekeepers in order to raise village security recently!" They all look at me as if I don't need to say this, but I feel like I do. "The most notable time is when a merchant was coming through, and I doused them with the glow-in-the-dark paint. I then mostly washed it off with too little sake and water and guided the merchant to where he was supposed to go."

Shikaku laughs gently and shakes his head. "This is the time that I got involved, right?"

"Yup!" I beam childishly at him and he sighs.

"You're behaving childishly Naruto." Neji says this while frowning with a thoughtful look on his face.

"I'll get to that later, but I want to finish my story first. We need some happy things in our lives." I wait until I get nods from everyone before I brighten again and continue. "They didn't know it was me, and they went to Jiji for help with their glowing hair. Jiji called Shikaku in who called me in. I told them there was still paint in their hair, because there was, and they needed to wash it out with a mixture of half water and half a specific type of alcohol. Before I could say anything more, they were already mixing some wine and water they had on them."

"They didn't... You didn't..." Dad sounds like he doesn't know whether to be proud or disappointed, which is fair considering the situation. Shikaku merely laughs and laughs some more.

"I did give Jiji and the ANBU eye protection! I'm not that bad of a person! I just didn't stop them so they'd learn to listen to the whole thing when someone is telling them something. Also, in my defense, I had the solution to fix it in hand so that it would only be a flash of brilliant and bright light. The pranking has also succeeded in making the gatekeepers tighten security. Even ANBU have learned a thing or two when I got too bored of the same targets all the time. Jiji isn't even that mad about the extra paperwork because I gave him the secret to defeating his greatest enemy!" I laugh at my own antics and most of the pack joins in.

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