Questioning with Limited Results

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Shikamaru POV

My brain finally is able to work again. After talking to the others, and coming to no new conclusions, we are just waiting for the adults to wake up. It's been about an hour or so, and I'm starting to get worried about the sun setting before we get done with this.

We also decided that Chōji would try to summon them first, and if that failed then Lee would try. We're trying to save mine for a situation that I seem to be irredeemable. I've also considered some of my questions that I need to ask. Kakashi is the only adult who I know that has woken up so far. We've decided to be the main people asking questions.

We're just waiting now on an ANBU member that I don't recognize, but that's not a new thing. This whole troublesome mess is becoming more of a drag as it goes on. It's got me considering about recognizing ANBU members.

Five minutes later, Chō shakes me out of my thoughts. That last person has finally woken up, so it's time to start. Chō carefully unrolls his scroll and bites his thumb in order to drop some blood on the scroll as directed. Immediately as the blood hits the seal, there's a hissing noise. With a sudden flash, there's a tangle of bodies in front of us. I know there's nine of them, but it seems like there's one of them. With nine heads. 


"We're finally ready you troublesome pack." Only years of practice help my voice come out bored and unimpressed.

Thank you Dad, for your lessons in this. I know this was to be used for meetings where I didn't want to show my emotions, but I think this counts. Especially because you're on the other side of the troublesome mess.

"Give us a second." Ino practically hums the words as she starts slowly shifting to try and get out. "Naruto. Get us moving, eh?" And now she's practically growling.

"Don't order me around Ino. Everyone else. We've got company. No time for a pile. We have questions to answer and then we can pile in a den. Hustle." Naruto's commanding tone sends a shiver down my spine.

Odd... and a drag.

It doesn't even take them a minute to all be standing in front of us in a very neat formation. They're still a clump, but they're all standing. There's also a space in the front for whoever is answering questions.

"I need one question answered first. Why did it take so long for this troublesome drag to start?" I can't help the bit of irritation that slips into my voice because I'm still annoyed that we had to wait hours to start this thing.

My response is everyone wordlessly looking at Naruto who simply looks at Kakashi.

Oh. Stupid lazy jōnin. I should have known.

I have to stop glaring because I want to ask my second question, but Kakashi knows I'm still very upset with him. He wasted my cloud watching time.

"Okay then. I'll deal with him later." Naruto's giggle at that sentence causes me to pause for a few seconds, but I want the answer to this question. "Are we going to learn anything important through this questioning?"

Obito steps out front and gives me a bit of a mischievous smirk. "That depends entirely on you. How you perceive things being important is different than how we do. The reasons for why things are important are also different. A man can ask for a drink and be told to wait for a few minutes because other people have more pressing needs while he is dying of thirst. It's all a matter of perspective really."

That's.... Kinda annoying in how it plays out. He answered me without answering me. That's such a drag.

"Why do you all have animalistic features? I really don't get that," Kiba suddenly blurts out from my left.

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