Chapter 06: Car accidents

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Joscelin's POV
The testimonies from fellow students confirmed Bella's pass aggressive behavior towards me, and security footage pulled from the cameras in the parking lot confirmed that Bella attacked me first so she was suspended from school for two weeks and and had a week of in school suspension.

Not to mention when Charlie found out and told Renee they were both on Bella's ass and now she's grounded until the end of the school year and can't go to prom. Renee's been blowing up both our phones to scold Bella and to check up on me.

I, on the other hand, was given three days off for my mental health and I returned to school where everyone fussed over me including Ms. Olive who had been trying to improve her teaching methods.

The first week that Bella was suspended Edward and Maggie came back and apologized profusely for Bella's attack since Bella blamed me for Edward's departure. I merely waved them off and said not to worry about it.

The Cullen actually started sitting with my friend group and I to form a 'Joss protection squad' that was literally the title for their group chat that I wasn't a part of 😑😑😑.


Bella's three weeks are up and this happened on the first day of her return.

~~~current time~~~

I was standing next to my jeep after school with Lauren as we talked about colleges since we were graduating in three months

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I was standing next to my jeep after school with Lauren as we talked about colleges since we were graduating in three months.

I had sent forms to architect schools before moving to Forks and I was anxiously awaiting responses. Lauren was going to school for acting and modeling she already had talent scouts and agents begging her to quit school to start working as soon as possible. We laughed at that and Lauren told me about Tyler's acceptance letter to the NFL and we agreed that we would set up a celebration dinner at the new restaurant in Port Angeles.

Lauren had just walked away to her car and I turned to my door when a god awful screeching sound caught my attention. I turned around to see Tyler's van about to crush me, or that would've been the case if I hadn't been knocked to the ground by Maggie.

I hit my head and landed on my wrist with a sickening snap. My brain couldn't even register the pain due to the shock. I don't know what happened next because I blacked out.

I woke up in a hospital bed and saw that Tyler was on the hospital bed next to me with a nasty cut on his head and Lauren sitting next to him.

As soon as they realized that I was awake Tyler bombarded me with apologizes and Lauren fussed over me like an overprotective big sister. I tried to sit up but got dizzy and before I could stop myself I threw up freaking Lauren out further and she ran out the room while Tyler passed me a nearby trash can where I finished throwing up.

Lauren returned with a slight but muscular male doctor with collar-length blond hair, is 6'2, with a well-toned medium frame, gentle molten gold eyes and around 23 years of age. I quickly realized that this was Dr. Cullen as he approached me with a concern gaze and said "Hello, Joscelin, how are you feeling? Lauren tells me that you got sick when you woke up?" He said in his slight English accent that was no doubt from his youth as he eyed the floor that was covered in what was my lunch.

I went to nod but stopped as I got dizzy again so I tried to speak without being sick again " head and arm really hurts and I feel really dizzy" Carlisle frowned and gently asked "Can you stand up so I can walk you to an examination room?" I swallowed and clutched onto the trash can before attempting to step around the vomit with Carlisle's assistance. He walked me to another room and laid me down. On the way there we ran into my dad and after a brief explain he went over to  Tyler who was being discharged.

I laid on the bed after changing into a hospital gown with the help of Nurse Jackie.

I laid on the bed after changing into a hospital gown with the help of Nurse Jackie

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Dr. Cullen shines a bright light in my eyes making me wince and reluctantly allow him to look at my eyes. After observing them he starts to feel army head until I flinch when he touches the part where I hit my head, he then starts inspecting the bump on my head. He sighs and says "You have a pretty bad concussion. I want to keep you here overnight for observation, is that alright?" Charlie, who's been standing in the corner for the entire time, says "Of course Dr. Cullen. Do what you need to do to make Josie better."

I felt touched by his concern. Dr. Cullen nodded and said "Alright then. You said that your wrist was hurting? Let me have a look" he inspects my swollen reddish purple wrist before ordering X-rays. After confirming that my wrist was broken and not dislocated or fractured, Dr. Cullen asked what my favorite color was before wrapping my wrist in said color cast.

 Cullen asked what my favorite color was before wrapping my wrist in said color cast

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Dr. Cullen then keeps me for three days before allowing me to recover at home for an additional two days. Every night I'm forced to wake up every hour and talk to Charlie for five minutes to answer questions to make sure that everything is okay and I'm not bleeding into my brain or something.

After the five days it's Monday, and I'm able to go back to school.

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