Chapter 12: Returning to America

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3rd POV
It's been two weeks since Joscelin arrived in Brazil to  aid Mr. Syckle's team in collecting information about  the ancient Mapuche tribe.

She had met Nahuel on her second day there and met him and his aunt Huilen again on the fourth day. Since her second meeting with Nahuel, Joscelin has been splitting her time between her schoolmates and her best friend Rachel and Nahuel and Huilen. Rachel Dare, a girl who's become a better twin sister to her than her own flesh and blood, is the only one who knows about Nahuel and helps Joscelin visit him.

Huilen warmed up to Joscelin rather quickly, much to the surprise of her nephew, and has taught the young girl some recipes to her nephew's favorite dishes. As for Nahuel and Joscelin's relationship..... Nahuel is Joscelin's second best friend and Joscelin fears that she may have a crush on him. Sadly she'll never find out as she's leaving to return to America today.

Joscelin makes her way through the forest to the familiar hut

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Joscelin makes her way through the forest to the familiar hut. She peers inside and sees Huilen making breakfast. Huilen looks up and smiles "Josie, you're early! What brings you.....what's wrong?" Huilen suddenly frown when she sees Joscelin's upset face "Um, is Nahuel here? There's something that I need to tell you both" Huilen nodded and stood up and walked over to the entrance of hut and suddenly calls out "Nahuel! Josie's here!"

Within minutes Nahuel is seen jogging out of the forest with a bright smile on his face excited to see his favorite person in the whole world, aside from his beloved aunt of course.....and two of his half sisters. Once Nahuel catches sight of Joscelin's face, however, that bright smile fades away "Josie? What's wrong? What's happened?" Joscelin looks at the ground and says sadly "I lost track of time, and now it's time for me to go home. The plane leaves tonight" this makes both Huilen and Nahuel frown.

"I was hoping that there was someway to contact you. Letters maybe..?" Joscelin asks hopefully but Huilen shakes her head sadly "We isolate ourselves from the outside're the first to ever enter our tiny haven" Joscelin's face looks absolutely heartbroken as does Nahuel's which in turn breaks Huilen's heart.

Joscelin swallows the lump in her throat and forced a smile, trying to be optimistic "That's fine. Maybe we'll see each other again someday? Until then, here...." Joscelin then presents the two with gifts that she'd made late last night after she realized that she would be leaving tomorrow.

" Joscelin then presents the two with gifts that she'd made late last night after she realized that she would be leaving tomorrow

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2022 ⏰

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