Chapter 08: Bella finds out and Joscelin graduates

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Joscelin's POV
After Waylon's funeral Bella started acting weirder, I caught her snooping around Charlie's room and trying to snoop around mine but since I've started locking the door she's been cut off.

Much to her frustration.

I finally realized what was going on when I saw Bella stuff a familiar blue book into her backpack this morning.

I immediately called Maggie and told her the situation

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I immediately called Maggie and told her the situation. She informed her siblings while I drove to school after getting ready.

When I arrived I saw that Maggie and Edward were following Bella into the woods, while the remaining four Cullen siblings were watching them with concern

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When I arrived I saw that Maggie and Edward were following Bella into the woods, while the remaining four Cullen siblings were watching them with concern. I approached them and Emmett caught sight of me and said "Don't worry. They'll be just fine" but I didn't really believe him.

I think Rosalie could tell because she said "C'mon we've got to get our graduation cap and gowns" Rose, Emmett, Jasper, and I made our way to the gym while Alice went to class. When we entered the gym, it was chaotic. Everyone was talking either excitedly or nervously and people were trying on their gowns before paying the $50 for them. People were running in and out of the gym to either go to class or return with a different sized gown.

One voice caught my attention as she was complaining about the color yellow for the cap and gown. I squeezed my way through the crowd and managed to stumble upon Lauren and Tyler. Lauren was talking to the principal about the color while Tyler was embarrassingly asking if the had a bigger size. Seeing as the gown that Tyler was currently looked as if you needed to cut it off I think that they needed to find a bigger size too.

Lauren caught sight of me and demanded that I tell the principal my opinion. I looked at Principal Wonderbolt who was looking at me expectantly "The school colors are blue and yellow, and while blue is a common cap and gown color which makes it cheaper you decided to go with yellow. Whether you're just trying to be different, or maybe it's a metaphor for bright minds being like the sun you're message isn't getting across at all. So to everyone else it just looks like you're trying to embarrass students by dressing them in a color that looks good on only a handful of people" I then turned to one of the gown distributors and asked for a petite height, but wide framed gown.

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