Random E/O Short Stories

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     That was her. All big brown eyes and luscious chocolate hair. Looking at his partner sitting across from his at his desk he realized that he had always wanted to know her more. Be something more outside of the job.

"Liv, do you want to grab some coffee?" Elliot said feeling a bit tired from their case that has been going on for three days straight now. 

"I would love coffee, as long as it's not Munch's coffee" stated Olivia with a giggle.

They both get into Elliot's car, so many things is running through his mind about her. Looking to his right, he sees her heartbreaking, beautiful smile. She was telling him about another date gone wrong and how silly and outrageous some of them were.

I'd love to know just what you're thinkin'. Every little river, runnin' through your mind. You give and you take. You come and you go. You leave me here wonderin' if I'll ever know. How much you care or how much you don't. Whatever you need, whatever you want.

Hearing about the men she has been seeing pissed him off because she deserves so much better. He wants her. Only her. With his first marriage down the drain he has been wanting to tell Olivia the way he felt since the day she walked into the squad room. 'Today will be the day' he thought to himself. 'I have to tell her, hopefully she feels the same way.' He pulled the car out front of their favorite coffee shop in Manhattan. 

"Olivia I think I should tell you something." Elliot rushed out the words before he had time to stop himself or rethink. 

"Sure El, spill it." Olivia smiled at him getting out of the car, his favorite view in the entire world.

"Olivia Benson," Elliot said in a soft tone getting close to her while looking down into her gorgeous eyes.

"You don't need any of these dumb men, you deserve so much better. And I think I can give that to you. I have had feelings for you since the day I looked into those amazing heart crushing eyes of yours." Elliot said in one breath. 

If you're gonna be somebody's heartbreak. If you're gonna be somebody's mistake. If you're gonna be somebody's first time, Somebody's last time, baby be mine

"Stabler...I...don't know what to say." Olivia was in such shock. The only man she has ever felt that she loved just said he had the same feelings. She smiled overcome with joy.

"Say you'll go to dinner with me tonight."

"There would be nothing I love more." Olivia cupped his cheek with her hand smiling like she just won the lottery. She slowly leaned up and kissed him. 

If you're lookin' to be somebody's 'just friends', A little laughin', little lovin', never callin' again, that's just fine. If you're gonna be somebody's heartbreak. Be mine, yeah. Oh, be mine

They finished up their case for the day and went their seperate ways. Olivia drove home in total excitement. Words could not describe what she was feeling total shock, happiness, and on top of that nervous. She has never been so nervous for a date in her life. Elliot was the same way. He drove home with so much on his mind. He finally reached his new apartment and showered as quickly as possible. Olivia put on her navy a line dress with nude pumps. The top fitted her perfectly with the bottom flaring out. She had her hair in loose curls down to her shoulders. While adding on the finishing touches to her make up there was a knock on the door. 

"Coming!" Olivia yelled from the bathroom of her apartment. She rushed to the door and swung it open.

"Wow. Y-you look...wow." Elliot stuttered out with his jaw open. She looked like an angel to him. He has never seen her without her work clothes unless she has to dress the part in an undercover role. 

"Well, you don't look so bad yourself there Stabler." Olivia said while blushing and grinning from ear to ear.

They both got into Elliot's car and headed to Gramercy Tavern Restaurant. It was a bit over price, but it was very romantic and Elliot did not care how much he would spend. He was glad enough just to be on a date with his gorgeous best friend. They were seated right away and placed there order.

"I'm glad that you asked me out. I have been waiting for that for awhile now." confessed Olivia.

"Me to. I was just always nervous you would say no."

"Why would I say no? There is not a minute we spend together that I haven't had a blast."

I guess that all I'm tryin' to tell ya, Is a minute with you is better than two without. Oh, I won't be a fool but I can't play it cool. So I'm playin' safe and I'm breakin' the rules. I'm wishin' I had what I know that you got. So if you're comin' my way then please don't stop

They both finished their meals and got up to leave. The thanked the waiter and Elliot paid the bill. Heading back to Elliot's car all Olivia could do was think about how much she wanted to kiss him again. 'Maybe he will make the first move this time.' she kept saying to herself. Elliot opened up her door and shut it after she was completely in. While walking over to the driver's side of the car he was hoping that he would get a second date with her. He got in his car, put on his seat belt, and started the engine. Olivia placed her left hand on her thigh as close to him as possible to see what he would do. Elliot noticed her hand out of the corner of his eye and grabbed it. Turning to each other they both smiled feeling content. They held hands in the center console of the car all the way back to Liv's apartment from the restaurant. Elliot pulled up to the curb and turned the car off. He got out and held open Olivia's door for her to get out. She loved that he was being such a gentlemen, all the other men she has went on a date with rarely did these things. 

"I had an amazing time." Olivia said to Elliot reaching her buildings door.

"Well, would you like to do it again?" Asked Elliot hoping for a yes.

Olivia grabbed his hand, "Obviously." 

"That's good." Elliot laughed and sighed with relief.

"Well goodnight then." Olivia said as she turned around to head inside. 

Elliot grabbed her elbow and pulled her back. He kissed her with a very soft yet passionate kiss. Olivia was shocked, but after a few seconds she smiled and kissed him back sliding her arms around his neck. The kissed turned rough as each other fought for dominance. While finally depraved of oxygen they both pulled back. 

"Wow." Olivia smiled in shock looking into Stabler's crystal blue eyes. "Come upstairs for a drink Stabler? After that kiss I need to rehydrate."

"Sure, I could go for a beer."

Olivia grabbed his hand and lead him up to her apartment. They started making out again in the elevator. She couldn't get him to her bedroom fast enough. 

If you're gonna be somebody's heartbreak. If you're gonna be somebody's mistake. If you're gonna be somebody's first time, somebody's last time, baby be mine

 Please comment and let me know what you think. First fan fic so I am up for some suggestions.

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