Typical Love Story

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Olivia is sitting at her desk filling out her DD5's when she looks up and sees his perfect face. He had the face of a God and the eyes that could look right into your soul. Yes she did love him, everything about him. She accepted his flaws of being to stubborn and hard headed at times as well as being just a bit over protective of her. She giggled to herself and rubbed her firm belly carrying their child. 

I think it was the summertime, when I laid eyes on you. I didn't even know your name. Somehow we'd end up in the same room.

She flashed back the first time she meet Elliot. "Are you Captain Cragen?" "Yes and you must be Olivia Benson." He stuck out his hand and she shook it. She had been waiting outside of his office for a few minutes. He looked so friendly and nice. She knew that they would get along well. "You are going to be partnered up with Elliot Stabler. Stabler!" He looked over to the man standing by the coffee pot. Olivia turned to follow his gaze. The man turned around and she was shocked. He was young, around the same age as her. He was gorgeous. Elliot came walking to Cragen after putting his coffee cup on his desk. "Elliot, meet your new partner Olivia Benson. Olivia this is Elliot Stabler." They both shook each others hands. His eyes were breath taking she thought to herself, they were a crystal blue like the color you would see in a beach picture on a calender. "Elliot show her to her desk." Cragen said in a demanding voice. 

It never crossed my mind. I never saw you like that. I should've listened to my best friend. She knew it would be a perfect match.

"Liv. Want to go grab some lunch?" She was snapped back to reality to the sound of his voice. "Yes, I feel like I could eat a whole cow." She smiled and got up and Elliot grabbed her jacket and gave it to her. "So what are you craving Mrs. Stabler?" Elliot said with a laugh and the smile reserved for her eyes only. "I really want Mexican." He held the passenger car door open for her to climb in and shut it when she sat down. He got into the driver's seat and started the car. After strapping in her seat belt she thought back to their first few months together.

It's a typical love story. Started out as friends, we met way back when. This is just a typical love story. The boy you never wanted just steals your heart. I never saw it coming 'til I feel so hard.

They spent everyday and night together working on long cases. It got to the point where they knew exactly what each other was thinking. "Liv do you want some more wine?" Alex asked hold a bottle of red wine to her best friends glass. "What...sorry I was ah-.." "Thinking about Stabler again?" Cabot cut her off and smiled. She knew Olivia was starting to have feelings about Elliot. She thought and talked about him constantly. Olivia looked at the thin blond haired woman sitting across from her. She only laughed not knowing how to answer. Alex was her best friend, she was the one that helped Olivia get the job at the Special Victims Unit. "It's not like that." Olivia finally stated. "Right, and I am the Queen of England." Alex said laughing at her little joke. "We are just friends. He is not my type and nothing can happen anyway, it would affect our job."

I always made up some excuse. Saying that you weren't my type, I didn't want to face the truth. Didn't want to cross that line. Till one day I saw you, out the corner of my eye, you were flirting with some girl. And inside I thought I would die.

Elliot walked in to the restaurant that Alex and Olivia were eating at. Alex inhaled as she spotted him, "You will not believe who just walked through the door."Alex said looking past Olivia at him. Olivia turned around and seen him. Behind him in walked a woman, she was very athletic looking and blond. Olivia turned back around and put her head under the table in case he spotted her, Alex did the same. "See I told you, you do have feelings for him." Alex whispered from under the table. They both sat up and Olivia caught them sitting across the room from the corner of her eye. He was smiling and grabbed her hand on the table. She was pissed and embarrassed. She couldn't believe she just acted that way in front of Alex and about a guy she worked with. 

It's a typical love story. Started out as friends, we met way back when. This is just a typical love story. The boy you never wanted just steals your heart. I never saw it coming 'til I feel so hard.

"God, you're so beautiful." Elliot said to Olivia as she was stuffing a plate full of nachos in her mouth. "I highly doubt that at the moment." She looked up smiling at her one true love. "Do you want a boy or a girl?" Olivia asked Elliot sincerely looking into his eyes. He grabbed her hand, "Babe, I don't care what the sex is as long as it is healthy." "Are you sure?" "Yes I am sure, I will be glad either way as long as the baby has eyes like his or her mother." Elliot said looking into Olivia's chocolate brown eyes. He leaned over the table and kissed her soft and tenderly on the lips. "Well, I guess we will find out soon enough." Olivia laughed and smile. 

 Can't believe it's happening. When I least expect it. My prince under disguse, how you fooled me with those eyes. When I feel like letting go, in your arms is where I know I am wrong. From the beginning we've always belonged. 

Elliot payed for their lunch and they both headed out the door. They walked back to the car and headed to the doctors. Olivia was both excited and a little nervous. She could wait to find out if the life she has been carrying around inside her was a boy or girl. She did not have any names picked out at the moment. She wanted to wait till she found out the gender to discuss different names with Elliot. On the way to the upper east side where her doctor's office was located she grabbed Elliot's hand and held it. "El are you nervous?" She asked looking at him with a smile. "No, why would you say that?" Elliot responded with a puzzled look on his face. "Well, your hands tell a different story." She said wiping off her now soaked hand from his hot and clammy one. They reached the OB/GYN and walked into the office. Olivia signed in and sat down next to Elliot. "Mrs. Stabler," The nurse in pink scrubs called from the door. "The doctor is ready for you." With that Elliot got up and held out his hand for Olivia's. She took it and the walked back into the room. "Good afternoon Olivia, how are you feeling?" the brunette short haired woman said walking into the door and shutting it behind her. "Really good, thank you Doctor." "Well lay back you know the drill." Dr. Jones said with a laugh. Olivia did as she was told and lifted her shirt to the ends of her breasts and pushed her pants down a little to expose her stomach. Elliot grabbed her hand and smiled. The doctor squeezed on the cold, blue sticky gel onto the lower part of her stomach. She turned on the monitor. "Let's have a look here." Doctor Jones said with the monitor face her taking the baby's measurements. Olivia squeezed Elliot's hand and had the biggest grin possible on her face, she was so excited. Doctor Jones turned the monitor towards the couple. They both stared at the screen hearing the heartbeat. "Congratulations you're having a baby girl." Doctor Jones announced. Olivia looked at Elliot squeezed his hand and smiled, small tears started down her face. He hugged her, "A beautiful baby girl to look like her beautiful mother." Elliot said and kissed Olivia's forehead.  

 Please comment! The song is Love Story by Katharine McPhee, one of my favorites. I need suggestions!!

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