We Belong Together

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     Tonight's the night, Olivia thought to herself. She finally agreed to go dinner with Dean Porter. She finished up putting on the last touches of her outfit. She wore a fitted red v neck dress with black pumps. Her hair curled to the length of her shoulders. She was putting in her last earring when her phone rang, "Benson." "Liv, come meet me." "Elliot? I have a date." she stated kind of feeling bad. "Please come, I need someone to talk to. Can't you reschedule?" Elliot begged sounding lonely and a bit upset. "Fine, but you owe me one. Where are you?" Olivia was kind of glad that Elliot called her. She didn't like Dean that much, but felt bad that she kept turning him down. "I'm at the bar across from the precinct." "Okay, I'll be there in 5." Olivia hung up the phone and dialed Dean's number. "Hi Dean. Listen I'm going to have to cancel. Something came up at work. Rain check?" "Uh, yeah sure I guess. Let me know when you're free." Dean said and with that he hung up. Olivia walked to her door and grabbed her coat. She went to the bowl on the table and took her keys. She got out of the elevator and went to find her car in the parking garage. She started up her car and headed toward the precinct. Pulling up to the bar she looks in the mirror. Damn I should have changed first, she thought to herself. Olivia gets out of the car and walks in. She finds Elliot hunched over sitting in the middle of the bar. She walks up to him. "I'll have what he's having." She tells the bartender. "Hey Liv, thanks for coming." Elliot hugged her and smiled. "Well you gave me no choice." Olivia laughed. She took off her jackets and placed it on the seat next to Elliot. "Wow Olivia! You look..." Elliot could not even find the words to describe her. She looked so angelic yet sexy. Olivia giggled. "Thanks El." She sat down next to him and began to drink her beer. "So would you care to explain this whole cancel my date thing." "It's Kathy." He stated looking deep into her eyes. He began to describe what happened only hours ago at the Stabler residence. "She wants a divorce." "Oh, El. I'm sorry to hear that. What are you going to do?" She asked curious. "There is nothing I can do, but to sign the papers." Olivia waved the bartender over. "Yeah can we get something a little more stronger for my friend here. How about tequila." The bartender put a shot glass in front of both of them. He filled them up. "Down the hatch Stabler." Olivia said after putting her empty glass back on the bar. One shot turned into two then so on. They were both over the legal limit by now. Elliot placed his hand on Olivia's knee. "Well I should get going." She said after feeling his hand moving on her knee. "Okay, I'll walk you." Elliot said protectively. They both put on their coats. Elliot puts money on the bar and heads out the door. Olivia begins walking home and Elliot runs up behind her. She decided not to drive because she had been drinking. "We can just pick up our cars tomorrow." Elliot said laughing. He grabs her hand and she does nothing about it. She quite enjoys his hand in hers, she feels ten times better with it there. They walk like this all the way to Olivia's apartment building. "Well thank you Stabler for this lovely evening." Olivia began to giggle at herself. "Anytime Liv." He looked into her eyes and pushed her against the brick wall of her building. He placed both hands on the wall next to her head. "El what are you-" "Shh" Elliot whispered putting his index finger on her lips. He grabs her chin and tilts it up towards him. Just then their lips touch. First starting out sweet then turning into pure passion. After running out of oxygen Olivia pulls away breathless. "Come inside?" She asks looking into Elliot's eyes.


     After losing the contents in her stomach again this morning she decides to run to the drug store down the street. While in the drug store she looks for Pepto when she passes the pregnancy tests. She stops dead in her tracks. Could it be, Olivia thinks to herself. She tries to remember the last time she even had her period, but she couldn't. It has been so busy in SVU with the new case going on involving the four little girls and no leads. She drops the box into her basket and grabs the Pepto and heads towards the counter. She pays then leaves in a hurry. She can hardly breathe on the way back to her apartment. As soon as she enters her door she drops her bag on the kitchen table. She heads toward the bathroom taking the box with her. One more minute, just one more minute, Olivia kept repeating to herself while pacing in her living room. The timer goes off in the kitchen, she turns it off then goes back to the bathroom. She picks up the stick. It reveals to plus signs. "Oh my god." Olivia says out loud as she cover her open mouth with her hand. She begins to cry tears of joy more then tears of sadness. She has always wanted to be a mother. She calls Elliot and tell him to come to her apartment because they need to talk. Nothing really changed after that night at the bar. They both acted like nothing happened, they didn't want to loose their jobs. All she knew about Elliot and Kathy was that they were still separated, but he hasn't signed the papers yet. After hearing a knock, the door opens it wide. Elliot walks in, "What's up Liv?" "Please sit down." She says motioning towards the couch. He takes a seat and she sits next to him looking into his eyes. "Elliot, um.... I don't exactly know how to put this." She said while grabbing his hand from his lap. He just continues to look at her and letting her take her time. "I'm pregnant. And the baby is yours." Elliot's jaw dropped. "Are you serious?" He asks in a shocked tone. Olivia nods her head waiting to see his response. "Oh my god!" He grabbed her and hugged her. He passionately kissed her on the lips. "Elliot what does this mean?" "It means we are going to be parents and lets work on us."

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