Fighting At Hogwarts

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It was a sunny day at Hogwarts, every student had the day off. Most spent their time laughing and having fun outside but, of course, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Harry were inside. While Hermoine and Ron was in the library, Harry and Ginny were talking about having a quiet date at a cafe in Hogsmeade.

"We should go to-" said Ginny, being cut off because Dean came into the common room.

Ugh Dean, that idiot! Thought Harry, he was positive he saw Dean staring at Ginny for a second.

Dean walked over to Ginny, "Can we talk please?" Said Dean, Ginny exchanged a nervous look with Harry and responded, "Yes. Only if Harry comes to-"

"NO!" yelled Dean, "I-I mean, no! It's very private and secret!" Said Dean looking very nervous, "c'mon gin-"

"Don't call her that." Said Harry, he felt like punching Dean in his face, what was so secret that he couldn't know too?

"Fine." Said Dean very sternly, "Lets go Ginny."

Ginny gave Harry a hug and whispered in his ear, if something happens I'll come running right to you. Love you babe.

Harry watched as Ginny and Dean left the common room, something urged him to take his invisibility cloak and follow them but he didnt want to break Ginny's trust.

As Dean and Ginny left the common room, Ginny followed Dean into a dungeon, very similar to Professer Snape's dungeon. Everything went by like a flash, Ginny felt somebody push her. "OUCH!" said Ginny, rubbing her back. "WHO THE HELL DID THAT?" Yelled Ginny, "DEAN?" Dean randomly came out of nowhere and started kicking Ginny, "STOP!" yelled Ginny, who was in pain because Dean just kicked her in the stomach. As Dean continued to punch and kick Ginny, she felt her lips bleeding like crazy, "WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT?" Yelled Ginny, who was standing up now. "Oh, you don't have Harry potty with you anymore" laughed Dean, "whose gonna save you now?" Ginny punched Dean, who was now starting to raise his hand, BAM! Ginny fell on the floor, with a red hand mark on her face: Dean just slapped her. As Dean continued to hurt Ginny, she suddenly passed out. "Oh hell no, I'm not gonna get in trouble," said Dean, running out of the dungeon. Ginny was in so much pain, she had brusies everywhere and even started having trouble breathing. Fuck you Dean! Thought Ginny.

An hour passed by, no biggie! She just probably went to the restroom really quickly! thought Harry.
2 hours, maybe she's in the library with Ron and Hermione,
3 hours, where is ginny!?

As Harry walked around the common room, wondering where his Ginny could be, he remembered the map Fred and George gave him. He searched frantically for it, eventually finding it under a pile of Harry's hoodies that Ginny used. Harry opened up the map and saw that Ginny was in an unknown dungeon. Harry followed the ways to go to the dungeon.

"LOVE? GINNY?" Yelled Harry. Harry heard groaning in the distance, "Ginny? Babe, is that you?" Harry kept running until he saw a pale Ginny, bleeding, on the cold floor. Harry had no emotion, he had no feelings. He just felt worried and stressed.

"GINNY! BABE, WAKE UP!" Harry tried shaking her but he had no hope, he carried her and ran all the way to the nurse's office. With looks of worry or confusion by other people, he finally made it to the nurse's office.

"Oh my! What happened her her?" Asked Madam Pomfery.

"I don't know!" Replied Harry in a worried voice, "I only found her at dungeon." Harry said this, hoping that Nurse Pomfery wouldn't ask how he got to the dungeon.

"It looks like she can be here for 3 weeks! I need to take care if her!" Said Madam Pomfery. "I have to hook her up! Harry, dear please leave, I'll call you when she's ready for visitors."

Harry left the nurse's office feeling like a peice of trash, how could he let this happen to his own girlfriend? The person that he loved the most ever since (SPOILER) Sirius died, the person that he risked his friendship for? Your such a bad boyfriend! Thought Harry, he just wished that Ginny would be okay, he didn't have the need to fight Dean, he was only worried about Ginny.

Harry just remembered about Ron and Hermione, he needed to tell them about Ginny. Once again, he was running through the halls and into the library. "RON, HERMOINE?" Yelled Harry, "HARRY! WHAT HAPPENED?" Asked Ron, running soon followed by Hermoine.

Harry told them what happened with Dean and Ginny, Harry saw looks of disgust on their faces when he finished. "THAT LITTLE-" started Ron, "Ron! We're in a public place!" Said Hermoine, "I DONT CARE! HE BEAT MY SISTER UP!" Yelled Ron, "let's go." Said Hermoine.

The walk back to the common room was quiet and awkward, Ron thought about strangling Dean to death, while Harry was still thinking about Ginny. Hermoine did not look at neither Ron or Harry, she just kept walking with her head staring at the floor. Once they got to the common room, Hermoine finally broke the silience and remembered them that they homework to do, Harry did it to keep himself distracted and a while after Ron soon followed with the same actions.

Soon dinner arrived, and still none of them felt like talking. Harry even stayed in the common room and skipped dinner, while Ron and Hermoine went together quietly. Harry was almost finished with all his homework when he heard a door open, it was : Ginny!

Harry quickly ran to Ginny, who was still very pale and who still had some visible brusies on her face. "BABE!" said Harry and ran to Ginny, "OUCH!" Yelled Ginny, when Harry hugged her, "Sorry Harry, Dean kicked in my stomach too." Said Ginny, very quietly hoping nobody would hear her.

"Are you okay?" Asked Harry, "Yes, of course I am, I just can't handle Being touched hardly or being hugged, thats all." Replied Ginny, smiling. "Wanna go cuddle?" Asked Ginny, "Of course" said Harry, smirking.

Ginny took off her pants and shirt, Harry saw her half naked for a few minutes until she put on a hoodie, "c'mon I was enjoying the view" said Harry, kinda disappointed. "That's better.." Said Harry when Ginny took off her hoodie and smirked. Harry only had on his underwear on, Harry felt the warmth touch of Ginny on his body, their bodies rubbed together as they moaned and Harry could have swore that he felt Ginny message his cock. Harry placed his hands on her ass and even her breasts, soon messaging them.

Harry and Ginny exchanged a kiss and knocked out.

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